Лейбл/Label: Stones Throw Records
Исполнитель/Artist: VA
Альбом/Album: Peanut Butter Wolf Presents-Stones Throw:Ten Years
Страна/Country: US
Жанр/Genre: Hip Hop
Год/Year: January 23, 2007
Формат/Format: CD
Треков/Tracks: 26
Кодек/Codec: FLAC
Битрейт/BitRate: Lossless
Размер/Size: 477mb
Частей/Parts: 1
Залито на/Uploaded on: Filepost
Peanut Butter Wolf Presents Stones Throw: Ten Years is a compilation album released by Stones Throw Records. The album celebrates the founding of Stones Throw ten years earlier. Many songs were taken from past Stones Throw releases to demonstrate growth over the 10 year period, however, there are also unreleased tracks found on this album. On January 23, 2007