Лейбл/Label: Get Money Gang
Исполнитель/Artist: Twista
Альбом/Album: The Perfect Storm
Страна/Country: US
Жанр/Genre: Hip Hop
Год/Year: November 9, 2010
Формат/Format: CD
Треков/Tracks: 16
Кодек/Codec: WAV
Битрейт/BitRate: Lossless 1411kbps
Размер/Size: 607mb
Частей/Parts: 2
Залито на/Uploaded on: Hotfile
The Perfect Storm is the eighth studio album by American rapper Twista. The album was released on November 9, 2010. The album debuted with 14,939 copies at #38. The album has sold 19,000 since its release.The album was produced mostly by The Legendary Traxster.