Лейбл/Label: Soul Kid Records
Исполнитель/Artist: The Lost Children Of Babylon
Альбом/Album: Zeitgeist:The Spirit Of The Age
Страна/Country: US
Жанр/Genre: Hip Hop
Год/Year: November 30, 2010
Формат/Format: CD
Треков/Tracks: 15
Кодек/Codec: WAV
Битрейт/BitRate: Lossless 1411kbps
Размер/Size: 516mb
Залито на/Uploaded on: Filesonic
Zeitgeist: The Spirit Of The Age is the fourth album by underground hip hop group The Lost Children of Babylon released November 30, 2010 on Soul Kid Records. The albums theme is focused on the New World order and Illuminati. It was also released October 19th on iTunes. The package comes with a Zeitgeist bonus DVD, a download card for the instrumentals and a free mixtape.