Лейбл/Label: Illtown, E1 Music
Исполнитель/Artist: Naughty By Nature
Альбом/Album: Anthem Inc.
Страна/Country: US
Жанр/Genre: Hip Hop
Дата/Date: December 13, 2011
Формат/Format: CD
Треков/Tracks: 18
Кодек/Codec: WAV
Битрейт/BitRate: Lossless 1411kbps
Размер/Size: 519mb
Залито на/Uploaded on: Galaxy-File/Depositfiles
Anthem Inc. is the seventh album from Naughty by Nature. The album marks a 20-year anniversary for the hip-hop trio.
This is the first Naughty by Nature release featuring all three members - Treach, Vin Rock and Kay Gee
since 1999's Nineteen Naughty Nine: Nature's Fury.