Исполнитель: Hank Mobley
Альбом: Dippin’
Жанр: Jazz, Hard Bop, Soul Jazz
Год: (2011) 1965
Страна: USA
Лейбл: Analogue Productions (CBNJ 84209 SA)
Формат: [SACD-R][OF]
Контейнер: ISO (*.iso)
Тип рипа: image
Разрядность: 64 (2,8 MHz/1 Bit)
Аудиокодек: DSD64 (2.0)
Количество каналов: 2.0
Размер: 1,7 GB
Источник: discogsЗалито на: XFile (.iso + Covers)
With Dippin’, Hank Mobley is clearly entrenched in his “hard” period, as his more muscular, yet still round, tone & his penchant for funky grooves dominate the session. The other (great) musicians all play their respectives parts, but it is Mobley, who blows strongest here, strengthened by a long string of powerful dates like this one.
This is just a phenomenal bunch of tunes by a consistently great artist! This music is so swingin’ & catchy that it should be illegal to listen to this while driving-it’s hard to keep still & concentrate. I have numerous Hank Mobley CD’s in heavy rotation, but this 1 finds its way into the CD player more often than the others.
The title alone let’s you know what you’re in for. For my taste, I like this better than Mobley’s classic “Soul Station.” If you’re not movin’ when you listen to this, check your pulse, you may be dead. A mostly funky, groovin’ selection of songs, they also slow it down a bit with the very languid & contemplative ballad “I See Your Face Before Me.” Nice.
If anyone is still wondering what it means to “swing”, crank up your best speakers, put on “Recado Bossa Nova”, & listen to what Mobley & Co., do to revive this 1960′s chestnut. These 5 supremely gifted guys get under the BN beat, swing it, & drive it up somewhere into the stratosphere. Also of note: Mobley’s own compositions, which as usual are fresh & exciting; the beautiful sound of Mobley & Morgan on “I See Your Face Before Me”; & last but not least, the knock-your-socks off technique of Harold Mabern Jr. on keyboard, who deserves a lot of credit for giving this CD its pizazz. If you dig tenor sax, or 60′s jazz, or just great ensemble playing — this album is a must!Трэклист:
Hank Mobley - tenor sax
Lee Morgan - trumpet
Harold Mabern - piano
Larry Ridley - bass
Billy Higgins - drums01.The Dip
02.Recado Bossa Nova
03.The Break Through
04.The Vamp
05.I See Your Face Before Me
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