Year: 1960 (CD 1998)
Label: GRP Records (US), GRD-826
Style: JazzCountry: Boston, U.S. (June 23, 1923 - July 27, 2009)
Time: 42:33
Format: Flac Tracks 16/44,1 kHz
Size: 262 Mb
Трехчастная сюита "Хроматическая вселенная" - это амбициозное произведение, которое смешивает свободную импровизацию с заранее написанными пассажами, не только выдержало испытание временем, но и по-прежнему звучат свежо. Медленный, таинственный "Вальс из космоса", включающий в себя по-восточному звучащую тему, и "Измерения" представляют собой блестящие достижения Джорджа Расселла.
Дирижёр и оранжировщик George Russell. А звучит всё это висполнении Ernie Royal, Bob Brookmeyer, Frank Rehak, Al Kiger, Marky Markowitz, David Baker, Jimmy Buffington, Hal McKusick, Dave Young, Sol Schlinger, Bill Evans, Paul Bley, Barry Galbraith, Howard Collins, Milt Hinton, Don Lamond and Charlie Persip.
Jazz in the Space Age is an album by George Russell originally released on Decca in 1960. The album contains tracks conducted and arranged by Russell performed by Ernie Royal, Bob Brookmeyer, Frank Rehak, Al Kiger, Marky Markowitz, David Baker, Jimmy Buffington, Hal McKusick, Dave Young, Sol Schlinger, Bill Evans, Paul Bley, Barry Galbraith, Howard Collins, Milt Hinton, Don Lamond and Charlie Persip.
The Allmusic review by Ken Dryden states that "The three-part suite "Chromatic Universe" is an ambitious work which mixes free improvisation with written passages that have not only stood the test of time but still sound very fresh. "The Lydiot" focuses on the soloists, while incorporating elements from "Chromatic Universe" and other Russell compositions... the slow, somewhat mysterious "Waltz From Outer Space", which incorporates an Oriental-sounding theme, and "Dimensions", described by its composer as "a sequence of freely associated moods indigenous to jazz... represents some of George Russell's greatest achievements".
01. Chromatic Universe - Pt. 1 (03:33)
02. Dimensions (13:11)
03. Chromatic Universe - Pt. 2 (03:47)
04. The Lydiot (10:05)
05. Waltz From Outer Space (06:59)
06. Chromatic Universe - Pt. 3 (04:55)

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