In alphabetical order (Note: this list actually encompasses the total musicians used on several sessions in late 1959 and early 1960. The actual number of players on the piece was 19.)
Danny Bank — bass clarinet
Bill Barber — tuba
John Barrows — French horn
Albert Block — flute
James Buffington — French horn
Eddie Caine — flute, flugelhorn
Paul Chambers — bass
Earl Chapin — French horn
Jimmy Cobb — drums
Johnny Coles — trumpet
Miles Davis — trumpet, flugelhorn
Gil Evans — arranger, conductor
Harold Feldman — clarinet, flute, oboe
Bernie Glow — trumpet
Dick Hixon — trombone
Elvin Jones — percussion
Taft Jordan — trumpet
Jack Knitzer — bassoon
Jose Mangual — percussion
Jimmy McAllister — tuba
Tony Miranda — French horn
Louis Mucci — trumpet
Romeo Penque — oboe
Janet Putnam — harp
Frank Rehak — trombone
Ernie Royal — trumpet
Joe Singer — French horn
Hannl"limited" Record Cleaning Machine with Rotating Brush
Music Hall MMF 9.1 Turntable
Tonearm Pro-Ject 9cc Evo with Pure Silver Wires
Nagaoka MP-500
Brocksieper Phonomax (Tube Phono-PreAmp)
E-MU 0404 external USB 2.0 Audiointerface
Silent Wire NF 5
Wavelab 6.1 recording software
iZotope RX Advanced 2.0
Vacuum Cleaning > TT > Brocksieper Phonomax > Laptop > Wavelab 6.1 (24/192) > manual click removal
analyze (no clipping, no DC Bias offset) > resample to 24/96 > split into individual Tracks
> FLAC encoded (Vers. 1.21)
No silence been removed, please burn gapless to match original tracklayout.
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