YEAR: 2006
STYLE: Progressive/ Technical Metal/ Fusion
FORMAT: FLAC (Image + Log + Cue + 5% Recovery)
SIZE: 385 Mb
Aaron Bell - Guitars and vocals; Doug Beary - Drums; Dave Lindeman - Bass Прогрессивный метал с большой буквы!Imagine a crossover of technical metal and progressive metal... you surely think about bands such as Watchtower, Psychotic Waltz, Spiral Architect, Zero Hour as well as Fates Warning, Dream Theater, and Queensrÿche - perhaps even Nevermore. Well, the reason why I asked you to do this is because a new progressive metal group known as Degree Absolute claims to be a crossover of progressive metal, jazz, ambient, doom, thrash and technical metal. Just thinking makes me wonder if we finally get a follower to Psychotic Waltz - a really innovative hippie metal band.
Unfortunately my wishes are left unfulfilled... although the music is what it promises to be, the execution leaves the listener a bit cold. Although the material is really good at times, it tends to become a bit greyish due to the album's somewhat experimental nature... every now and then the vocalist, who by the way has a voice similar to former Fates Warning singer John Arch, isn't passionate enough. Nonetheless, there are also moments when one can sense tremendous emotional charge from the recordings - so Aaron Bell may be able to craft a really awesome record one of these days (I, for one, will keep my fingers crossed).
The noted producer Neil Kernon (Nevermore, Queensrÿche, Kansas, Cannibal Corpse, Spiral Architect among others) handled the mixing of this album at Sonic Ranch, Tornillo, Texas. The sounds are good for the most part, but perhaps the guitar tone could have been a bit less distorted. In any event, if technical metal is your cup of tea you may want to give Degree Absolute a listen. I really enjoyed listening to their music, despite of the weaker spots. Degree Absolute is definitely a band to have one's eye on.
Track Listing:1. Exist
2. Laughing Alone
3. Questions
4. Confession
5. Distance
6. HalfManHalfBiscuit
7. Pi
8. Ask Nothing of Me
9. Ergo Sum
The Band:Aaron Bell - Guitars and vocals
Doug Beary - Drums
Dave Lindeman - Bass
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