YEAR: 1976
STYLE: Progressive Rock/ Jazz Rock
FORMAT: FLAC (Tracks + Log + Cue + Scans + 5% Recovery)
SIZE: 282 Mb
Carles Vidal - bass, xilophone & vocal; Jordi Soley - electric & acoustic piano & organ; Esteve Fortuny - electric & acoustic guitar, tenor sax, flute & vocal; Joan Fortuny - soprano & tenor sax, vocal
Josep Fortuny - drums
Guests: Lluis Fortuny - trompete; Rafael Moll - vocalCompanyia Electrica Dharma is a Catalan group that blends Catalan folk music with pop-rock music, and with a "soft" jazzy and experimental flavour, especially in their seventies albums, which gives an interesting final result. After Catalluna they became more poppy (avoid Forc,a Dharma and No Volem Ser!!), with the exception of Homenatge a Esteve Fortuny. The 20 Anys, Forca Dharma! compilation album is very a good starting point and to decide a further follow-up. (José Miguel Girart)
"20 Anys de la Companyia..." is a tribute record where, in addition to the Companyia itself, other musicians appeared covering their themes, like Max Sunyer, Jordi Soley, Toti Soler, Ia i Batiste, a number of coblas (catalan wind bands) and other artists from very different fields, like for example, the singer María del Mar Bonet. From "Catalluna" (1983) until "Que no es Perdi..." (1996) they changed their name by Elèctrica Dharma, recovering the original one from that record on. (Diego Herrera)
This is one of the most popular bands in Catalonia, mainly because they are still alive nowadays and having a broad discography. Their records are plenty of catalonian popular songs passed through the distinctive jazz-rock fusion sound of the band, songs centuries old very special for us here in Catalonia but less transcent outside of here. Their sound is focused in the sound of the traditional catalonian folk but using the soprano sax instead of the clarinet. (Ferrán Lizana)
Track Listing:01. Titu-Tiru-Ritu (marxa)
02. Focs De Sant Joan
03. Moixeranga Del Diable
04. La Mediterrania Se'ns Mor
05. Tramuntana
06. Les Bruixes Del Maresme
07. Festejada (de timbals)
The Band:Carles Vidal - bass, xilophone & vocal
Jordi Soley - electric & acoustic piano & organ
Esteve Fortuny - electric & acoustic guitar, tenor sax, flute & vocal
Joan Fortuny - soprano & tenor sax, vocal
Josep Fortuny - drums
Lluis Fortuny - trompete (3, 6)
Rafael Moll - vocal (4)
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