Денис Алексеев, специально для rockmusic.ru
Трудно сказать, к какой именно традиции принадлежал Кевин. Его музыка, ориентированная на американский рок-н-ролл в общем смысле слова, питалась от самых разнообразных источников - с одной стороны от наследия "Fats Domino", Литтл Ричарда и Чака Берри, с другой - Джимми Рида, Мадди Уотерса и Джона Ли Хукера. Кевин писал песни. Такие песни писали разве что американские и ирландские сонг-райтеры, пересекавшиеся с линией рок-музыки постольку поскольку. Кевину приходилось делить сцену и аудиторию с кантерберийцами - изящными и ироничными прог-рокерами, совместившими в своем творчестве джазовое и роковое, личное и политическое, серьезность и стеб. Он так и остался большим и непонятным, не вписавшимся ни в истеблишмент шоу-бизнеса, ни в дутые рамки андеграунда. Удивительное явление английской сцены, настоящий аристократ, воплощающий собой саму порядочность и идеализм, настоящий рок-музыкант, прочно стоящий на корнях и остро чувствующий традицию. Кевин делает рок, это уж точно.
Kevin Coyne - Родившийся 27 января 1944 года в Дерби, Койн закончил местное художественное училище, четыре года работал в психиатрической клинике в Престоне, выступая время от времени в местных клубах.
В 1969 году перебрался в Лондон. Здесь он стал работать в пригороде муниципальным служащим, а в свободное время пел в группе Siren, вскоре заключившей контракт с фирмой Dandelion знаменитого диск-жокея Джона Пила. Их старт был обещающим, ансамбль выпустил два альбома, но дальше дело не пошло. Койн решился оставить и группу и работу, отправившись в европейское турне с командой сопровождения. Тогда же он выпускает первый сольный диск Case History (DDL 1972), ныне раритет.
В 1973 году он подписал контракт с фирмой Virgin. Карьера стронулась с места с альбомом Marjory Razor Blade (VRG 1973), заслужившим одобрение прессы, хотя манерный вокал и отказ от привычной песенной формулы придавали ему преднамеренный антикоммерческий привкус.
Диск Blame It On the Night (VRG 1973) предъявил слушателям выкристаллизовавшийся стиль Койна и получился более ровным и музыкально усложненным. Музыканты его группы сопровождения менялись целыми пачками: с одним составом он гастролировал по Европе и Англии в конце 1974 года, с другим в начале 1975 года он записал неудавшийся диск Matching Head and Feet (VRG 1975), а еще через год совершенно новый набор с участием Зута Мани, Энди Саммерса (позже в Police), басиста Стива Томсона и ударника Питера Вулфа записывает диск Heartburn (VRG 1976), но вскоре распадается.
Горячность и эмоциональность песен Койна придают его музыке невероятную взволнованность и возбужденность. В изложении своих кошмаров и непостижимых грез он добивается красочности и замечательной образности. Бывают, хотя и нечасто, в его песнях и нежность, и любовь. Но - и это отличает любого истинного артиста - Кевин Койн знает, как управлять исходящим от его сердца потоком эмоций, умело пользуется отпущенными ему выразительными возможностями как в композициях, текстах, так и в вокальном и инструментальном исполнении. Как и Питер Хэммилл на своих сольных альбомах, он применяет довольно лимитированный аккомпанемент - но используемая в большинстве случаев сакраментальная комбинация гитара-бас-ударные помогла выпустить хорошие (и очень хорошие) диски.
Monday the 11th of January 2010 finally saw the release of the four-CD anthology ‘I Want My Crown’ and the remastered double disc ‘Marjory Razor Blade’. It’s been a long haul. Over two years ago, when EMI were planning to reissue Kevin Coyne's Virgin catalogue, we contacted them and asked to be involved. We offered them unreleased songs, unseen photos and advice because we didn’t want the re-releases to be as shoddy or as ill thought-out as the Virgin 1991 CDs.
We wanted the CDs to be the best they possibly could be, and they welcomed our involvement. At times it was difficult but I’m satisfied that for the most part we achieved what we set out to do. New listeners will hear the best of my father’s music. Hopefully they’ll want to learn more. And existing fans will see, hear and learn things that they never knew before.
We did our best, and I am so pleased and proud of what we achieved, especially when at one point it looked like they could have gone the way of ‘Blame It On The Night’, ‘Matching Head And Feet’ and ‘Dynamite Daze’, and become download-only releases. It was important that Kevin's wonderful music was backed up with the best possible presentation.

Disc One • Time: 01:18:59
1. Marjory Razorblade - 1:45
2. Marlene - 2:44
3. Talking To No One - 2:31
4. Eastbourn Ladies (American Edit) - 4:38
5. I Want My Crown (Traditional) - 4:19
6. House On The Hill - 4:52
7. Lovesick Fool - 2:20
8. Keep Your Lamp Trimmed And Burning - 4:06
9. River Of Sin - 3:22
10. Sign Of The Times - 5:22
11. I Believe In Love (Rough Mix) - 3:33
12. Blame It On The Night - 4:18
13. Poor Swine (Alt. Version) - 3:41
14. Dance Of The Bourgeoisie - 3:26
15. Saviour - 5:33
16. Lonely Lovers - 4:19
17. Sunday Morning Sunrise - 5:33
18. Rock 'N' Roll Hymn - 3:38
19. Turpentine - 3:33
20. Let's Have A Party (Robinson) - 2:31
21. Lorna - 2:45
Log / AccurateRip
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 1' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\01 Kevin Coyne - Marjory Razorblade.flac'
Track 1: Ripped LBA 0 to 7887 (1:45) in 0:05. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\01 Kevin Coyne - Marjory Razorblade.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: A28797C4 AccurateRip CRC: 720F48A3 [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-1]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 720f48a3]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 720f48a3]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 2' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\02 Kevin Coyne - Marlene.flac'
Track 2: Ripped LBA 7887 to 20200 (2:44) in 0:08. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\02 Kevin Coyne - Marlene.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 95F032D2 AccurateRip CRC: 113B4388 [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-2]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 113b4388]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 113b4388]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 3' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\03 Kevin Coyne - Talking to No One.flac'
Track 3: Ripped LBA 20200 to 31579 (2:31) in 0:07. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\03 Kevin Coyne - Talking to No One.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: E83BC022 AccurateRip CRC: 74C65978 [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-3]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 74c65978]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 74c65978]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 4' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\04 Kevin Coyne - Eastbourne Ladies [American Edit].flac'
Track 4: Ripped LBA 31579 to 52441 (4:38) in 0:12. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\04 Kevin Coyne - Eastbourne Ladies [American Edit].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 040E7FFF AccurateRip CRC: 845F833D [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-4]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 845f833d]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 845f833d]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 5' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\05 Kevin Coyne - I Want My Crown.flac'
Track 5: Ripped LBA 52441 to 71923 (4:19) in 0:10. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\05 Kevin Coyne - I Want My Crown.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 6F7CFFF6 AccurateRip CRC: DD21E2C0 [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-5]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 dd21e2c0]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 dd21e2c0]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 7' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\07 Kevin Coyne - Lovesick Fool [A-side of Single].flac'
Track 7: Ripped LBA 93896 to 104426 (2:20) in 0:05. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\07 Kevin Coyne - Lovesick Fool [A-side of Single].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: E774A5C1 AccurateRip CRC: C79EB08C [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-7]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 c79eb08c]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 c79eb08c]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 6' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\06 Kevin Coyne - House on the Hill.flac'
Track 6: Ripped LBA 71923 to 93896 (4:52) in 0:11. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\06 Kevin Coyne - House on the Hill.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 8BEECD6E AccurateRip CRC: C150630D [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-6]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 c150630d]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 c150630d]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 8' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\08 Kevin Coyne - Keep Your Lamp Trimmed and Burning.flac'
Track 8: Ripped LBA 104426 to 122915 (4:06) in 0:08. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\08 Kevin Coyne - Keep Your Lamp Trimmed and Burning.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: BE8AE804 AccurateRip CRC: 754D9202 [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-8]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 754d9202]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 754d9202]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 9' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\09 Kevin Coyne - River of Sin.flac'
Track 9: Ripped LBA 122915 to 138121 (3:22) in 0:07. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\09 Kevin Coyne - River of Sin.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 472B376B AccurateRip CRC: 33F72CA0 [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-9]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 33f72ca0]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 33f72ca0]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 10' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\10 Kevin Coyne - Sign of the Times.flac'
Track 10: Ripped LBA 138121 to 162344 (5:22) in 0:10. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\10 Kevin Coyne - Sign of the Times.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: E74C4A2D AccurateRip CRC: 89EEC087 [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-10]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 89eec087]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 89eec087]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 11' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\11 Kevin Coyne - I Believe in Love [Rough Mix].flac'
Track 11: Ripped LBA 162344 to 178358 (3:33) in 0:06. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\11 Kevin Coyne - I Believe in Love [Rough Mix].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 963F9FEF AccurateRip CRC: F6E9D32E [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-11]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 f6e9d32e]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 f6e9d32e]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 12' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\12 Kevin Coyne - Blame It on the Night.flac'
Track 12: Ripped LBA 178358 to 197731 (4:18) in 0:07. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\12 Kevin Coyne - Blame It on the Night.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 69C1E81F AccurateRip CRC: 058F564F [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-12]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 58f564f]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 58f564f]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 13' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\13 Kevin Coyne - Poor Swine.flac'
Track 13: Ripped LBA 197731 to 214379 (3:41) in 0:06. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\13 Kevin Coyne - Poor Swine.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 4316CDA4 AccurateRip CRC: 3F250E4F [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-13]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 3f250e4f]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 3f250e4f]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 14' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\14 Kevin Coyne - Dance of the Bourgeoisie [For The John Peel Show].flac'
Track 14: Ripped LBA 214379 to 229872 (3:26) in 0:06. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\14 Kevin Coyne - Dance of the Bourgeoisie [For The John Peel Show].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 2E210032 AccurateRip CRC: 613AE0C6 [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-14]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 613ae0c6]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 613ae0c6]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 15' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\15 Kevin Coyne - Saviour.flac'
Track 15: Ripped LBA 229872 to 254865 (5:33) in 0:09. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\15 Kevin Coyne - Saviour.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: E960E435 AccurateRip CRC: 030AA4C4 [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-15]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 30aa4c4]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 30aa4c4]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 16' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\16 Kevin Coyne - Lonely Lovers.flac'
Track 16: Ripped LBA 254865 to 274300 (4:19) in 0:07. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\16 Kevin Coyne - Lonely Lovers.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: CBFE57CD AccurateRip CRC: 70AA1765 [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-16]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 70aa1765]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 70aa1765]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 18' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\18 Kevin Coyne - Rock 'n' Roll Hymn.flac'
Track 18: Ripped LBA 299285 to 315680 (3:38) in 0:05. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\18 Kevin Coyne - Rock 'n' Roll Hymn.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 078A5B6C AccurateRip CRC: 8DA6F2A4 [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-18]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 8da6f2a4]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 8da6f2a4]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 17' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\17 Kevin Coyne - Sunday Morning Sunrise.flac'
Track 17: Ripped LBA 274300 to 299285 (5:33) in 0:08. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\17 Kevin Coyne - Sunday Morning Sunrise.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 522D7F9F AccurateRip CRC: E3509FAB [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-17]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 e3509fab]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 e3509fab]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 20' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\20 Kevin Coyne - Let's Have a Party [B-side of Single].flac'
Track 20: Ripped LBA 331690 to 343016 (2:31) in 0:03. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\20 Kevin Coyne - Let's Have a Party [B-side of Single].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: F3A2181D AccurateRip CRC: 8CAAB21E [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-20]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 8caab21e]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 8caab21e]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 19' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\19 Kevin Coyne - Turpentine.flac'
Track 19: Ripped LBA 315680 to 331690 (3:33) in 0:05. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\19 Kevin Coyne - Turpentine.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: F25A7981 AccurateRip CRC: 8422A7E4 [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-19]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 8422a7e4]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 8422a7e4]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 21' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\21 Kevin Coyne - Lorna [A-side of Single].flac'
Track 21: Ripped LBA 343016 to 355437 (2:45) in 0:04. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 1\21 Kevin Coyne - Lorna [A-side of Single].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 5) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 782D687B AccurateRip CRC: CB8353C5 [DiscID: 021-0039fd19-038d8114-1a128315-21]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 cb8353c5]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 5 [CRCv1 cb8353c5]
-------------- ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ --------------

Disc Two • Time: 01:17:50
1. Which Way Can I Go - 3:33
2. A Life Divine - 4:41
3. I Love My Mother (Coyne, Summers) - 4:39
4. Shangri LA - 5:30
5. America - 4:09
6. Big White Bird - 2:05
7. Daddy - 4:16
8. Case History No 2 (Live) - 6:03
9. Fat Girl (Live) - 4:05
10. Roses In Your Room - 4:19
11. Mona Where's My Trousers - 2:56
12. Rainbow Curve - 3:30
13. River Of Blood - 3:14
14. Dynamite Days - 2:44
15. Brothers Of Mine - 4:09
16. I Really Live Round Here (False Friends) - 3:56
17. I Am (Clare, Coyne) - 2:22
18. I Only Want To See You Smile - 2:31
19. Juliet And Mark - 4:47
20. Older Woman - 4:12
Log / AccurateRip
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 1' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\01 Kevin Coyne - Which Way Can I Go.flac'
Track 1: Ripped LBA 0 to 16016 (3:33) in 0:11. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\01 Kevin Coyne - Which Way Can I Go.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 0B60BD12 AccurateRip CRC: B8F2EF00 [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-1]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 b8f2ef00]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 b8f2ef00]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 2' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\02 Kevin Coyne - A Life Divine [From The Musical England England].flac'
Track 2: Ripped LBA 16016 to 37123 (4:41) in 0:13. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\02 Kevin Coyne - A Life Divine [From The Musical England England].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 75EF7829 AccurateRip CRC: F75598BA [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-2]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 f75598ba]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 f75598ba]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 3' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\03 Kevin Coyne - I Love My Mother.flac'
Track 3: Ripped LBA 37123 to 58069 (4:39) in 0:12. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\03 Kevin Coyne - I Love My Mother.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: B87AB565 AccurateRip CRC: EA80654C [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-3]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 ea80654c]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 ea80654c]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 4' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\04 Kevin Coyne - Shangri-La.flac'
Track 4: Ripped LBA 58069 to 82879 (5:30) in 0:13. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\04 Kevin Coyne - Shangri-La.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: ED547D37 AccurateRip CRC: 65B79181 [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-4]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 65b79181]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 65b79181]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 5' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\05 Kevin Coyne - America.flac'
Track 5: Ripped LBA 82879 to 101625 (4:09) in 0:09. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\05 Kevin Coyne - America.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: EAA0CE2F AccurateRip CRC: 3C7BF34B [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-5]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 3c7bf34b]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 3c7bf34b]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 6' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\06 Kevin Coyne - Big White Bird.flac'
Track 6: Ripped LBA 101625 to 111024 (2:05) in 0:04. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\06 Kevin Coyne - Big White Bird.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: A2ECE47F AccurateRip CRC: 93B8818F [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-6]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 93b8818f]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 93b8818f]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 7' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\07 Kevin Coyne - Daddy.flac'
Track 7: Ripped LBA 111024 to 130266 (4:16) in 0:09. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\07 Kevin Coyne - Daddy.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 21674C76 AccurateRip CRC: A9E29CA1 [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-7]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 a9e29ca1]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 a9e29ca1]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 8' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\08 Kevin Coyne - Case History No.2.flac'
Track 8: Ripped LBA 130266 to 157500 (6:03) in 0:12. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\08 Kevin Coyne - Case History No.2.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 1963FE44 AccurateRip CRC: D0F38931 [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-8]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 d0f38931]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 d0f38931]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 9' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\09 Kevin Coyne - Fat Girl.flac'
Track 9: Ripped LBA 157500 to 175900 (4:05) in 0:07. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\09 Kevin Coyne - Fat Girl.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 412D623A AccurateRip CRC: 49CDE657 [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-9]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 49cde657]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 49cde657]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 10' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\10 Kevin Coyne - Roses in Your Room.flac'
Track 10: Ripped LBA 175900 to 195384 (4:19) in 0:07. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\10 Kevin Coyne - Roses in Your Room.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 1A5DB046 AccurateRip CRC: 9B5F7FA2 [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-10]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 9b5f7fa2]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 9b5f7fa2]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 11' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\11 Kevin Coyne - Mona, Where's My Trousers.flac'
Track 11: Ripped LBA 195384 to 208604 (2:56) in 0:05. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\11 Kevin Coyne - Mona, Where's My Trousers.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 2EC9ADF9 AccurateRip CRC: DF89EDE9 [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-11]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 df89ede9]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 df89ede9]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 12' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\12 Kevin Coyne - Rainbow Curve.flac'
Track 12: Ripped LBA 208604 to 224404 (3:30) in 0:06. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\12 Kevin Coyne - Rainbow Curve.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: DD0EE8B9 AccurateRip CRC: 6285E910 [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-12]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 6285e910]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 6285e910]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 13' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\13 Kevin Coyne - Rivers of Blood [For The John Peel Show].flac'
Track 13: Ripped LBA 224404 to 238981 (3:14) in 0:05. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\13 Kevin Coyne - Rivers of Blood [For The John Peel Show].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 31805A37 AccurateRip CRC: 0EDC378A [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-13]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 edc378a]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 edc378a]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 14' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\14 Kevin Coyne - Dynamite Days.flac'
Track 14: Ripped LBA 238981 to 251308 (2:44) in 0:04. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\14 Kevin Coyne - Dynamite Days.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 1C85D45F AccurateRip CRC: CF73E061 [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-14]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 cf73e061]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 cf73e061]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 15' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\15 Kevin Coyne - Brothers of Mine.flac'
Track 15: Ripped LBA 251308 to 269990 (4:09) in 0:06. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\15 Kevin Coyne - Brothers of Mine.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: BA083098 AccurateRip CRC: 15A0CBC2 [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-15]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 15a0cbc2]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 15a0cbc2]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 17' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\17 Kevin Coyne - I Am.flac'
Track 17: Ripped LBA 287702 to 298388 (2:22) in 0:03. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\17 Kevin Coyne - I Am.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: C4111FFF AccurateRip CRC: 1C02A3FC [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-17]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 1c02a3fc]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 1c02a3fc]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 16' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\16 Kevin Coyne - I Really Live Round Here (False Friends).flac'
Track 16: Ripped LBA 269990 to 287702 (3:56) in 0:06. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\16 Kevin Coyne - I Really Live Round Here (False Friends).flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: C8FE7AA5 AccurateRip CRC: C194B5E7 [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-16]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 c194b5e7]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 c194b5e7]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 18' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\18 Kevin Coyne - I Only Want to See You Smile.flac'
Track 18: Ripped LBA 298388 to 309761 (2:31) in 0:03. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\18 Kevin Coyne - I Only Want to See You Smile.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 893B8A49 AccurateRip CRC: 2A2DB2F6 [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-18]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 2a2db2f6]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 2a2db2f6]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 19' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\19 Kevin Coyne - Juliet And Mark.flac'
Track 19: Ripped LBA 309761 to 331303 (4:47) in 0:07. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\19 Kevin Coyne - Juliet And Mark.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: D41CC801 AccurateRip CRC: 4D5AF8D3 [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-19]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 4d5af8d3]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 4d5af8d3]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 20' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\20 Kevin Coyne - Older Woman.flac'
Track 20: Ripped LBA 331303 to 350254 (4:12) in 0:06. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 2\20 Kevin Coyne - Older Woman.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 93ECB7F0 AccurateRip CRC: 463A56C2 [DiscID: 020-003a8a41-034f4f5c-2e123e14-20]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 463a56c2]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 463a56c2]
-------------- ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ --------------

Disc Three • Time: 01:18:08
1. Having A Party - 4:23
2. I'm Just A Man - 3:38
3. Pretty Park - 5:39
4. Marigold - 3:16
5. Don't Blame Mandy - 2:59
6. World Is Full Of Fools - 3:13
7. Burning Head Suite (Live At Rockpalast 1979) - 6:17
8. Are You Deceiving Me - 2:54
9. Lonely Man (Studio Version) - 3:20
10. I Confess - 3:24
11. It's My Mind (Studio Version) - 3:38
12. Happy Homes - 1:38
13. Children's Crusade - 3:53
14. Learn To Swim Learn To Drown - 4:59
15. Dark Dance Hall - 2:31
16. Day To Day - 2:33
17. The Old Fashioned Love Song - 3:46
18. New Motorway - 2:59
19. The Loving Hand - 3:08
20. Wonderful Wilderness - 7:48
21. You Can't Kill Us - 2:02
Log / AccurateRip
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 1' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\01 Kevin Coyne - Having a Party.flac'
Track 1: Ripped LBA 0 to 19763 (4:23) in 0:13. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\01 Kevin Coyne - Having a Party.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: DA15B2F3 AccurateRip CRC: CEB86722 [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-1]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 ceb86722]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 ceb86722]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 2' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\02 Kevin Coyne - I'm Just a Man.flac'
Track 2: Ripped LBA 19763 to 36180 (3:38) in 0:10. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\02 Kevin Coyne - I'm Just a Man.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 9F5158CF AccurateRip CRC: 4B187B17 [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-2]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 4b187b17]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 4b187b17]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 3' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\03 Kevin Coyne - Pretty Park.flac'
Track 3: Ripped LBA 36180 to 61642 (5:39) in 0:14. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\03 Kevin Coyne - Pretty Park.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: AD0E7B8A AccurateRip CRC: A36653EA [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-3]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 a36653ea]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 a36653ea]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 4' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\04 Kevin Coyne - Marigold.flac'
Track 4: Ripped LBA 61642 to 76369 (3:16) in 0:08. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\04 Kevin Coyne - Marigold.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 13297196 AccurateRip CRC: 25E4B6D4 [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-4]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 25e4b6d4]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 25e4b6d4]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 5' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\05 Kevin Coyne - Don't Blame Mandy.flac'
Track 5: Ripped LBA 76369 to 89856 (2:59) in 0:07. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\05 Kevin Coyne - Don't Blame Mandy.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: FD3FBF1B AccurateRip CRC: 62E61F1B [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-5]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 62e61f1b]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 62e61f1b]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 6' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\06 Kevin Coyne - The World Is Full of Fools.flac'
Track 6: Ripped LBA 89856 to 104406 (3:14) in 0:07. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\06 Kevin Coyne - The World Is Full of Fools.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 106AF9A8 AccurateRip CRC: 26789E7F [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-6]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 26789e7f]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 26789e7f]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 8' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\08 Kevin Coyne - Are You Deceiving Meї.flac'
Track 8: Ripped LBA 132684 to 145800 (2:54) in 0:05. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\08 Kevin Coyne - Are You Deceiving Meї.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 63899035 AccurateRip CRC: 2C98F936 [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-8]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 2c98f936]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 2c98f936]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 7' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\07 Kevin Coyne - Burning Head Suite [Live At Rockpalast, Kцln, Germany].flac'
Track 7: Ripped LBA 104406 to 132684 (6:17) in 0:13. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\07 Kevin Coyne - Burning Head Suite [Live At Rockpalast, Kцln, Germany].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 18638FF2 AccurateRip CRC: 2209D79C [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-7]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 2209d79c]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 2209d79c]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 9' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\09 Kevin Coyne - Lonely Man.flac'
Track 9: Ripped LBA 145800 to 160824 (3:20) in 0:06. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\09 Kevin Coyne - Lonely Man.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 6F5C7BF2 AccurateRip CRC: FDD5C004 [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-9]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 fdd5c004]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 fdd5c004]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 10' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\10 Kevin Coyne - I Confess.flac'
Track 10: Ripped LBA 160824 to 176135 (3:24) in 0:06. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\10 Kevin Coyne - I Confess.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: EF1CED1F AccurateRip CRC: 9EFE172A [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-10]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 9efe172a]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 9efe172a]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 12' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\12 Kevin Coyne - Happy Homes.flac'
Track 12: Ripped LBA 192528 to 199940 (1:38) in 0:02. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\12 Kevin Coyne - Happy Homes.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 9959CB87 AccurateRip CRC: FFBE0C78 [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-12]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 ffbe0c78]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 ffbe0c78]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 11' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\11 Kevin Coyne - It's My Mind.flac'
Track 11: Ripped LBA 176135 to 192528 (3:38) in 0:06. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\11 Kevin Coyne - It's My Mind.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 238530CE AccurateRip CRC: 8365688A [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-11]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 8365688a]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 8365688a]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 13' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\13 Kevin Coyne - Children's Crusade.flac'
Track 13: Ripped LBA 199940 to 217424 (3:53) in 0:06. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\13 Kevin Coyne - Children's Crusade.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 7D2ED801 AccurateRip CRC: C594A7D7 [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-13]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 c594a7d7]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 c594a7d7]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 15' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\15 Kevin Coyne - Dark Dance Hall.flac'
Track 15: Ripped LBA 239855 to 251236 (2:31) in 0:04. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\15 Kevin Coyne - Dark Dance Hall.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: EB44C5AF AccurateRip CRC: 9900CFA4 [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-15]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 9900cfa4]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 9900cfa4]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 14' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\14 Kevin Coyne - Learn to Swim, Learn to Drown.flac'
Track 14: Ripped LBA 217424 to 239855 (4:59) in 0:08. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\14 Kevin Coyne - Learn to Swim, Learn to Drown.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 594F2D39 AccurateRip CRC: D5EDC3FD [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-14]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 d5edc3fd]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 d5edc3fd]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 16' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\16 Kevin Coyne - Day to Day.flac'
Track 16: Ripped LBA 251236 to 262729 (2:33) in 0:04. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\16 Kevin Coyne - Day to Day.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 801C3DAF AccurateRip CRC: 622C1543 [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-16]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 622c1543]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 622c1543]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 17' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\17 Kevin Coyne - The Old Fashioned.flac'
Track 17: Ripped LBA 262729 to 279713 (3:46) in 0:06. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\17 Kevin Coyne - The Old Fashioned.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 6F929C0C AccurateRip CRC: 925F4C05 [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-17]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 925f4c05]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 925f4c05]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 18' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\18 Kevin Coyne - Love Song.flac'
Track 18: Ripped LBA 279713 to 293167 (2:59) in 0:04. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\18 Kevin Coyne - Love Song.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 1FBB22B4 AccurateRip CRC: C24C20B1 [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-18]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 c24c20b1]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 c24c20b1]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 19' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\19 Kevin Coyne - New Motorway.flac'
Track 19: Ripped LBA 293167 to 307312 (3:08) in 0:04. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\19 Kevin Coyne - New Motorway.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 0FFC8848 AccurateRip CRC: 9282C562 [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-19]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 9282c562]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 9282c562]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 21' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\21 Kevin Coyne - You Can't Kill Us.flac'
Track 21: Ripped LBA 342475 to 351663 (2:02) in 0:02. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\21 Kevin Coyne - You Can't Kill Us.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: F531FD5E AccurateRip CRC: D28FA180 [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-21]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 d28fa180]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 d28fa180]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 20' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\20 Kevin Coyne - A Loving Hand.flac'
Track 20: Ripped LBA 307312 to 342475 (7:48) in 0:11. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 3\20 Kevin Coyne - A Loving Hand.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 4A63FC17 AccurateRip CRC: E0FAF378 [DiscID: 021-003c2545-038eb14d-1b125015-20]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 e0faf378]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 e0faf378]
-------------- ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ --------------

Disc Four • Time: 01:10:18
1. Chicken Wing - 4:17
2. Marjory Razorblade Suite (Coyne, Smith) - 6:29
3. Blame It On The Night - 4:07
4. River Of Sin - 4:19
5. Poor Swine - 3:50
6. Fat Girl - 5:18
7. Mad Boy - 2:30
8. Mummy - 6:23
9. Marjory Razorblade Suite (Coyne, Smith) - 8:17
10. Let's Have A Party (Robinson) - 3:16
11. Poor Swine - 4:54
12. Need Somebody - 5:31
13. Chicken Wing - 4:26
14. Boogie Chillun (Hooker) - 6:36
Log / AccurateRip
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 1' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\01 Kevin Coyne - Chicken Wing [BBC In Concert, Golders Green Hippodrome 1974].flac'
Track 1: Ripped LBA 0 to 19315 (4:17) in 0:13. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\01 Kevin Coyne - Chicken Wing [BBC In Concert, Golders Green Hippodrome 1974].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: E17969CA AccurateRip CRC: E185F986 [DiscID: 014-00230753-01779a50-d5107a0e-1]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 e185f986]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 e185f986]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 2' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\02 Kevin Coyne - Marjory Razorblade Suite [BBC In Concert, Golders Green Hippodrome 1974.flac'
Track 2: Ripped LBA 19315 to 48516 (6:29) in 0:18. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\02 Kevin Coyne - Marjory Razorblade Suite [BBC In Concert, Golders Green Hippodrome 1974.flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 8D93AF4D AccurateRip CRC: 4274150D [DiscID: 014-00230753-01779a50-d5107a0e-2]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 4274150d]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 4274150d]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 3' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\03 Kevin Coyne - Blame It on the Night [BBC In Concert, Golders Green Hippodrome 1974].flac'
Track 3: Ripped LBA 48516 to 67057 (4:07) in 0:10. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\03 Kevin Coyne - Blame It on the Night [BBC In Concert, Golders Green Hippodrome 1974].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: D24698BC AccurateRip CRC: 828D3D87 [DiscID: 014-00230753-01779a50-d5107a0e-3]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 828d3d87]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 828d3d87]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 4' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\04 Kevin Coyne - River of Sin [BBC In Concert, Golders Green Hippodrome 1974].flac'
Track 4: Ripped LBA 67057 to 86500 (4:19) in 0:10. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\04 Kevin Coyne - River of Sin [BBC In Concert, Golders Green Hippodrome 1974].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: CE1821A6 AccurateRip CRC: 0813BFE5 [DiscID: 014-00230753-01779a50-d5107a0e-4]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 813bfe5]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 813bfe5]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 5' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\05 Kevin Coyne - Poor Swine [BBC In Concert, Golders Green Hippodrome 1974].flac'
Track 5: Ripped LBA 86500 to 103781 (3:50) in 0:08. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\05 Kevin Coyne - Poor Swine [BBC In Concert, Golders Green Hippodrome 1974].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: BA1D3C1B AccurateRip CRC: 71393166 [DiscID: 014-00230753-01779a50-d5107a0e-5]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 71393166]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 71393166]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 7' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\07 Kevin Coyne - Mad Boy [Live In Hyde Park, June 30th 1974].flac'
Track 7: Ripped LBA 127661 to 138932 (2:30) in 0:05. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\07 Kevin Coyne - Mad Boy [Live In Hyde Park, June 30th 1974].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: E7642483 AccurateRip CRC: F17C06DE [DiscID: 014-00230753-01779a50-d5107a0e-7]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 f17c06de]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 f17c06de]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 6' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\06 Kevin Coyne - Fat Girl [BBC In Concert, Golders Green Hippodrome 1974].flac'
Track 6: Ripped LBA 103781 to 127661 (5:18) in 0:11. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\06 Kevin Coyne - Fat Girl [BBC In Concert, Golders Green Hippodrome 1974].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 08185A0E AccurateRip CRC: 64E97AAD [DiscID: 014-00230753-01779a50-d5107a0e-6]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 64e97aad]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 64e97aad]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 8' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\08 Kevin Coyne - Mommy [Live In Hyde Park, June 30th 1974].flac'
Track 8: Ripped LBA 138932 to 167676 (6:23) in 0:12. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\08 Kevin Coyne - Mommy [Live In Hyde Park, June 30th 1974].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: BA11066B AccurateRip CRC: 38A348CE [DiscID: 014-00230753-01779a50-d5107a0e-8]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 38a348ce]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 38a348ce]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 10' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\10 Kevin Coyne - Let's Have a Party [Live In Hyde Park, June 30th 1974].flac'
Track 10: Ripped LBA 204995 to 219720 (3:16) in 0:05. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\10 Kevin Coyne - Let's Have a Party [Live In Hyde Park, June 30th 1974].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 156A2397 AccurateRip CRC: 6B40AF7D [DiscID: 014-00230753-01779a50-d5107a0e-10]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 6b40af7d]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 6b40af7d]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 9' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\09 Kevin Coyne - Marjory Razorblade Suite [Live In Hyde Park, June 30th 1974].flac'
Track 9: Ripped LBA 167676 to 204995 (8:17) in 0:14. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\09 Kevin Coyne - Marjory Razorblade Suite [Live In Hyde Park, June 30th 1974].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 8E8D2EA8 AccurateRip CRC: 44F47325 [DiscID: 014-00230753-01779a50-d5107a0e-9]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 44f47325]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 44f47325]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 11' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\11 Kevin Coyne - Poor Swine [Live In Hyde Park, June 30th 1974].flac'
Track 11: Ripped LBA 219720 to 241804 (4:54) in 0:08. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\11 Kevin Coyne - Poor Swine [Live In Hyde Park, June 30th 1974].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: E6FB2BA7 AccurateRip CRC: BA5AD184 [DiscID: 014-00230753-01779a50-d5107a0e-11]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 ba5ad184]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 ba5ad184]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 12' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\12 Kevin Coyne - Need Somebody [Live In Hyde Park, June 30th 1974].flac'
Track 12: Ripped LBA 241804 to 266661 (5:31) in 0:08. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\12 Kevin Coyne - Need Somebody [Live In Hyde Park, June 30th 1974].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: EC8CEBD7 AccurateRip CRC: 3B821341 [DiscID: 014-00230753-01779a50-d5107a0e-12]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 3b821341]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 3b821341]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 13' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\13 Kevin Coyne - Chicken Wing [Live In Hyde Park, June 30th 1974].flac'
Track 13: Ripped LBA 266661 to 286622 (4:26) in 0:06. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\13 Kevin Coyne - Chicken Wing [Live In Hyde Park, June 30th 1974].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: B2FB0A47 AccurateRip CRC: DB5B33FF [DiscID: 014-00230753-01779a50-d5107a0e-13]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 db5b33ff]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 db5b33ff]
Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 14' to 'C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\14 Kevin Coyne - Bogie Chillun [Live In Hyde Park, June 30th 1974].flac'
Track 14: Ripped LBA 286622 to 316395 (6:36) in 0:09. Filename: C:\Users\Cor\Music\Flac\Kevin Coyne\I Want My Crown; The Anthology 1973-1980, Disc 4\14 Kevin Coyne - Bogie Chillun [Live In Hyde Park, June 30th 1974].flac
AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 4) [Pass 1]
CRC32: 8A2DE79F AccurateRip CRC: F43D4397 [DiscID: 014-00230753-01779a50-d5107a0e-14]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 f43d4397]
AccurateRip Verified Confidence 4 [CRCv1 f43d4397]
-------------- ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ --------------
Musicians:• Kevin Coyne - Guitar, Vocals • Andy Summers - Guitar • Zoot Money - Keyboards• Peter Wolf - Drums • Steve Thompson - Bass • Gordon Smith - Guitar, Harmonica• Tony Cousins - Bass • Eddie Sparrow - Drums• Rick Dodd - Sax • Terry Slade - Drums-------------- ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ --------------Скачать
DownloadDisc 1 • Disc 2 • Disc 3 • Disc 4Box Cover • Booklet
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