Исполнитель: Paul Young
Альбом: The Best
Жанр: PopRock
Год выхода: ©2011
Формат: Flac(image+cue)
Качество: lossless
Сканы: in archive
Размер: 518mb.
Кол-во треков: 19
Залито на: Borncash.com, Gigabase.com
Источник: CD Rip. (3%)
01. I'm gonna tear your playhouse down [0:04:38.64]
02. Loss of innocence [0:03:46.69]
03. Ain't no sunshine [0:02:30.33]
04. I'm only foolin' myself [0:04:26.73]
05. Ball and chain [0:05:06.09]
06. Hope in a hopeless world [0:04:11.72]
07. One heart [0:03:07.48]
08. Everytime you go away [0:04:20.44]
09. Senza una donna [0:04:24.27]
10. Reach out i'll be there [0:03:57.58]
11. Two wrongs [0:03:41.45]
12. Love is like an itching in my heart [0:03:53.49]
13. Don't dream it's over [0:04:13.12]
14. Love hurts [0:03:00.29]
15. Hey girl don't bother me [0:03:36.68]
16. The heart is a lonely hunter [0:04:13.52]
17. Everything must change [0:05:30.60]
18. Now i know what made otis blue [0:03:51.55]
19. Down in chinatown [0:05:28.21]

Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 5. December 2011, 0:27
Paul Young / The Best
Used drive : ATAPI iHAP122 W Adapter: 1 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:38.64 | 0 | 20913
2 | 4:38.64 | 3:46.69 | 20914 | 37932
3 | 8:25.58 | 2:30.33 | 37933 | 49215
4 | 10:56.16 | 4:26.73 | 49216 | 69238
5 | 15:23.14 | 5:06.09 | 69239 | 92197
6 | 20:29.23 | 4:11.72 | 92198 | 111094
7 | 24:41.20 | 3:07.48 | 111095 | 125167
8 | 27:48.68 | 4:20.44 | 125168 | 144711
9 | 32:09.37 | 4:24.27 | 144712 | 164538
10 | 36:33.64 | 3:57.58 | 164539 | 182371
11 | 40:31.47 | 3:41.45 | 182372 | 198991
12 | 44:13.17 | 3:53.49 | 198992 | 216515
13 | 48:06.66 | 4:13.12 | 216516 | 235502
14 | 52:20.03 | 3:00.29 | 235503 | 249031
15 | 55:20.32 | 3:36.68 | 249032 | 265299
16 | 58:57.25 | 4:13.52 | 265300 | 284326
17 | 63:11.02 | 5:30.60 | 284327 | 309136
18 | 68:41.62 | 3:51.55 | 309137 | 326516
19 | 72:33.42 | 5:28.21 | 326517 | 351137
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\MusicBox\Paul Young - The Best.wav
Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.6 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 1C4735E9
Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report
AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - opdester@freemail.hu
Начато: понедельник, 05. 12. 2011. - 0:35.28
Найдено файлов: 1
1 -===- C:\MusicBox\Paul Young - The Best.flac
Извлечение успешно выполнено
Заключение: этот трек - CDDA с вероятностью 100%
Временный файл удалён.
Завершено: понедельник, 05. 12. 2011. - 0:43.50 (Время операции: 0:08.22)

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