GARY MOORE «Discography on vinyl» + bonus (17 × LP • Virgin Music Ltd. • 1977-2018)

GARY MOORE «Discography on vinyl» + bonus (17 × LP • Virgin Music Ltd. • 1977-2018)

Performer: GARY MOORE / ゲイリー・ムーア Album / collection: «Discography on vinyl / レコードのディスコグラフィー» Label: (c)(p) 1977-2018 Virgin Music Limited. Made in Europe, Japan, USA. Source: Rip by Oleg-Leshiy, bazar, alvaedis… ⇒ Conversion 32/96kHz by KoGGaN™ Official DR value: •14•13•12•11•12•12•11•12•13•13•12•13•11•11•11•12• Catalog (Barcode): much… Genre / Style: Rock, Blues Rock, Hard Rock Year (info): 1977-2018 (17 × Original Vinyl, LP, Collection—) Format: WV (image + .cue) Bitrate: 32bit/96kHz Stereo
GARY MOORE «Discography on vinyl» + bonus (17 × LP • Virgin Music Ltd. • 1977-2018)

GARY MOORE «Discography on vinyl» + bonus (17 × LP • Virgin Music Ltd. • 1977-2018)

Performer: GARY MOORE / ゲイリー・ムーア Album / collection: «Discography on vinyl / レコードのディスコグラフィー» Label: (c)(p) 1977-2018 Virgin Music Limited. Made in Europe, Japan, USA. Source: Rip by Oleg-Leshiy, bazar, alvaedis… ⇒ Conversion 32/96kHz by KoGGaN™ Official DR value: •14•13•12•11•12•12•11•12•13•13•12•13•11•11•11•12• Catalog (Barcode): much… Genre / Style: Rock, Blues Rock, Hard Rock Year (info): 1977-2018 (17 × Original Vinyl, LP, Collection—) Format: WV (image + .cue) Bitrate: 32bit/96kHz Stereo
04 03, 2025
MEGADETH «Discography on vinyl» (15 × LP Combat / Megadeth, Inc. • 1985-2022)

MEGADETH «Discography on vinyl» (15 × LP Combat / Megadeth, Inc. • 1985-2022)

Performer: MEGADETH / メガデス Album / collection: «Discography on vinyl / レコードのディスコグラフィー» Label / country: ⒸⓅ 1982-2022 Combat / Megadeth, Inc. Made in Europe, USA. Source: Rip by valeron scans by inet… ⇒ Conversion 32/96kHz by KoGGaN™ Official DR value: •11•11•11•13•12•12•11•11•10•10•11•11•13•8•11• Catalog (Barcode): much… Genre / Style: Rock, Metal, Speed Metal, Thrash Year (info): 1985-2022 (15 × Original vinyl, LP, Collection—) Format: WV (image + .cue) Bitrate: 32bit/96kHz Stereo Covers: in
MEGADETH «Discography on vinyl» (15 × LP Combat / Megadeth, Inc. • 1985-2022)

MEGADETH «Discography on vinyl» (15 × LP Combat / Megadeth, Inc. • 1985-2022)

Performer: MEGADETH / メガデス Album / collection: «Discography on vinyl / レコードのディスコグラフィー» Label / country: ⒸⓅ 1982-2022 Combat / Megadeth, Inc. Made in Europe, USA. Source: Rip by valeron scans by inet… ⇒ Conversion 32/96kHz by KoGGaN™ Official DR value: •11•11•11•13•12•12•11•11•10•10•11•11•13•8•11• Catalog (Barcode): much… Genre / Style: Rock, Metal, Speed Metal, Thrash Year (info): 1985-2022 (15 × Original vinyl, LP, Collection—) Format: WV (image + .cue) Bitrate: 32bit/96kHz Stereo Covers: in
04 03, 2025
ROCK 70's «Exclusive for "lossless-galaxy" Vinyl Collection» (395 × LP • Only Best Albums • 1966-2024)

ROCK 70's «Exclusive for "lossless-galaxy" Vinyl Collection» (395 × LP • Only Best Albums • 1966-2024)

Performer: Various Album / collection: «Rock 70’-80’-90’s» +++++ Series: Original Vinyl LP™— Label / country: ⒸⓅ 1966-2024 Made in Europe, Japan, USA. Source: Rip by bazar, alvaedis, Dymokust and many others… ⇒ Conversion 32/96kHz by KoGGaN™ Official DR value: 12•13•10•12•11•14•12•13•13•14•12•14•12•12•12•13•13•13•12•12•12•11•11• •11•12•13•12•14•14•14•11•10•13•13•13•12•12•12•12•13•11•13•12•11•13•13•12•13•13•13•12•
ROCK 70's «Exclusive for "lossless-galaxy" Vinyl Collection» (395 × LP • Only Best Albums • 1966-2024)

ROCK 70's «Exclusive for "lossless-galaxy" Vinyl Collection» (395 × LP • Only Best Albums • 1966-2024)

Performer: Various Album / collection: «Rock 70’-80’-90’s» +++++ Series: Original Vinyl LP™— Label / country: ⒸⓅ 1966-2024 Made in Europe, Japan, USA. Source: Rip by bazar, alvaedis, Dymokust and many others… ⇒ Conversion 32/96kHz by KoGGaN™ Official DR value: 12•13•10•12•11•14•12•13•13•14•12•14•12•12•12•13•13•13•12•12•12•11•11• •11•12•13•12•14•14•14•11•10•13•13•13•12•12•12•12•13•11•13•12•11•13•13•12•13•13•13•12•
04 03, 2025
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full-date Автор: ALLexxess, 9 июля 2011, Комментариев: 7, Просмотров: 6 148

Mountain: Original Album Classics ● 5CD Box Set Columbia Records 2010

Lossless Galaxy Release

Mountain: Original Album Classics ● 5CD Box Set Columbia Records 2010

Mountain: Original Album Classics ● 5CD Box Set Columbia Records

Mountain: Original Album Classics ● 5CD Box Set Columbia Records 2010Mountain: Original Album Classics ● 5CD Box Set Columbia Records 2010

Original Album Classics
(5CD Box Set Columbia Records)

1970 Climbing! 1971 Nantucket Sleighride
1971 Flowers Of Evil 1974 Twin Peaks 1974 Avalanche
Sony Music Entertainment / Legacy Recordings / Columbia Records
© 2010 Sony Music Entertainment / Originally Released 1970, 1971
Sony Music Entertainment Ⓟ 1974, 2003, 2010
Made in the EU
Catalog Box: 88697647022
Catalog CDs:
88697647022CD1 / 88697647022CD2
88697647022CD3 / 88697647022CD4 / 88697647022CD5
Label Code: LC06667

Жанр: Rock / Hard Rock / Blues Rock
Год: 2010
Формат: FLAC / Level 8 (img + *cue + log, AccurateRip)
Качество: lossless
Covers: format PNG 600dpi, full scans
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Диски упакованы в картонные конверты и вложены в коробку. Оформление картонных конвертов соотвествует оригинальному оформлению первых виниловых пластиноки. Первые 5 альбомов группы.

Box set includes the first five studio albums, recorded between 1970 and 1974 and released on the Columbia label, by the great U.S. Rock group Mountain: "Climbing!", "Nantucket Sleighride", "Flowers Of Evil", "Twin Peaks" and "Avalanche".
Mountain: Original Album Classics ● 5CD Box Set Columbia Records 2010 / Горяинов Олег (Perry)
В начале 70х годов в Америке группа Mountain была одной из самых популярных команд, они, как многие уже тогда считали, заняли нишу, которая была вакантна с момента распада великих Cream. Всего за три года коллектив записал три в высшей степени успешных студийных альбома и один концертный. А это в свою очередь сделало их звездами первой величины не только у себя на родине, но и в Англии, Европе и Японии. Возглавляемая гитаристом-виртуозом Лесли Уэстом (Leslie West) и гениальным продюсером и мультиинструменталистом Феликсом Паппаларди (Felix Pappalardi) команда выпустила в свет умопомрачающий хард-рок, который с достоинством выстоял испытание временем. Корни Mountain уходят в середину 60х годов, когда Ф. Паппаларди и клавишник Стив Найт (Steve Night) встретились в группе Devil's Anvil. Паппаларди к тому времени уже имел высокую репутацию как продюсер, и на его счету были работы с Тимом Хардиным (Tin Hardin), Джоан Баэз (Joan Baez) и Lovin' Sponfull. А в 1967 году он получил место продюсера у самих Cream при записи их эпохального альбома Desraeli Gears. Кроме того, что Феликс создал уникальную атмосферу на пластинке, которую, кстати, не смог повторить ни один следующий альбом группы, он также написал две песни для альбома. Также еще в качестве продюсера Паппаларди пришлось поработать с нью-йоркским коллективом Vargants, где он впервые услышал игру Лесли Уэста. И надо заметить, что последний смог впечатлить того даже после его работы с самим Богом (Clapton is God). Дуэт двух гениев Jolliver Arkansas не принес им особых лавров и Л.Уэст решил начать сольную карьеру, пригласив на запись теперь уже близкого друга Ф. Паппаларди. Парадоксально, но факт. Степень участия Феликса при записи сольного диска Уэста была чуть ли не большей чем в последствии в Mountain: кроме продюсерских обязанностей он взял на себя бас, клавиши и сочинение большей части материала. Ну а успех диска подсказал ему создать группу, назвав ее в честь сольного диска своего друга. Таким образом, состав Mountain дополнили уже известный нам Стив Найт и барабанщик Норман Смарт (Norman Smart). И летом 69го эта четверка отправилась покорять стадионы Америки. Их четвертое выступление пришлось на Фестиваль в Вудстоке… Дела шли явно по нарастающей и уже в начале 70го появился в продаже их самый известный альбом "Mountain Climbing", попавший в US Top 20. А сингл с него "Mississippi Queen" добрался до 21го места. Продолжая непрерывные гастроли, Mountain к началу 71го записали новый альбом "Nantucket sleighride". Звук довольно сильно изменился и, хотя хард-блюзовой стилистике они не изменили, музыка стала более изощренной. Тогда же Смарта сменил Корки Лэнг (Corky Laing), великолепный барабанщик, гитарист, вокалист и композитор. Их второй альбом также добрался до US Top 20, но вот "Flowers of evil", вышедший в 72м, еле-еле достиг Top 40. Публика не хотела нового лица для полюбившейся команды, и их прогрессивные находки остались незамеченными в свое время. Выпустив на прощанье концертник "The Road Goes Ever On" (UK Top 20) группа распалась. Уэст и Лэнг не обращая внимания на требования рынка создали трио, возможно, более мощное чем Cream - West, Bruce & Laing. Как видно из названия третьим стал Джек Брюс (Jack Bruce). Выпустив два превосходных студийных альбома ("Why Dont'cha"1972, "Whatever turns you on"1973) и концертник ("Live and kicking"1974) трио распалось. Очень жаль, так как материал представленный слушателю был в чем-то сильнее Cream и Mountain. После ухода Брюса Уэст и Лэнг организовали Leslie West's Wild West Show- группу еще менее популярную. Но и у Паппаларди дела шли не лучшим, образом - ему осточертело сидеть в студии за пультом, душа рвалась на сцену. И поэтому мало кого удивил факт, что реформированный Mountain (Allen Shwartzberg - drums, Robert Mann-keyboards) отправился в турне. Приступив к записи нового альбома, группа взяла 2го гитариста Дейва Перри (Dave Perry) и вернула Корки Лэнга. Но даже успех "Avalanche" (а диск и правда очень хорош) не стал для Mountain новой дорогой на вершину. Коллектив вновь распался. Дальнейшая история Паппаларди оказалась довольно печальной. Записав два сольника (1976,1979) он отправился жить в Японию, пока в 83м в результате несчастного случая его не застрелила жена. (Gail Collins - автор большинства текстов песен группы) Л.Уэст и К.Лэнг организовали Leslie West Band и выпустили два неплохих альбома (1975, 1976). В начале 80х был реюнион Mountain, но нового материала не появилось. В 1985 году Лесли Уэст делает чересчур смелый шаг - реформирует Mountain без Паппаларди, с Марком Кларком (Mark Clarke ex-Colosseum, Tempest) на басу и клавишных. Появляется и новый альбом "Go for your life" и группа отправляется в турне. Поучаствовав вместе с Deep Purple а Knebworth festival, группа распалась вновь. Следующие вариации Mountain (1996, 2003) принесли слушателям достойные хард-блюзовые диски, Уэст записал немало интересных сольников, но отсутствие в работе над ними Паппаларди дало о себе знать. Ни один из них, даже самые лучшие (а среди них есть очень забойные альбомы), не могут стоять в одном ряду с классикой группы 70х годов. / Biography by Bruce Eder & Steve Huey
The breakup of Cream in late 1968 had consequences that rippled across the rock music world - in its wake were formed directly such bands as Blind Faith (whose tragedy was they never had a chance to actually become a band) and Ginger Baker's Air Force, as well as the rich solo careers of members Eric Clapton and Jack Bruce. And it yielded - by way of Cream associate and producer Felix Pappalardi - something of a successor band in 1969, in the form of Mountain. The band's history all started with a Long Island-based psychedelic/garage band called the Vagrants, who'd acquired a serious local following and always seemed poised to break out, without ever actually doing so. Their lead guitarist, Leslie West, was a physically outsized figure as well as a musician extraordinaire whose playing had been completely transformed by his experience of hearing Clapton's playing in Cream. The Vagrants and West first crossed paths with Pappalardi in 1968, when he saw their potential and got them signed to Atlantic Records, where he was working as a producer. He had already made a name for himself producing Cream's Disraeli Gears album, and had played numerous background instruments on their follow-up, Wheels of Fire (and on the studio tracks that would form their Goodbye album). He did produce some of the best work that the Vagrants ever released, but none of it sold; and when West left the band in late 1968 to do a solo album, titled Mountain, Pappalardi produced it for him, as well as played keyboards and bass on the record. The results were the most impressive of West's career up to that time, a solid, blues-based hard rock workout, showing off just how profoundly he incorporated Clapton's playing into his own style - Mountain sounded a great deal like the now-disbanded Cream, and was satisfying enough for the two to form a partnership, also called Mountain. Their first lineup was built around the one used on the album, with N.D. Smart on drums, and Steve Knight added on keyboards, while Pappalardi concentrated on playing the bass. Following a debut performance at the Fillmore West in July 1969, the group played its fourth live performance ever at Woodstock, in front of an audience of several hundred thousand, on a bill with the likes of Jimi Hendrix, the Who, the Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin, Creedence Clearwater Revival, and - also getting their first national exposure at the same festival - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. The event was an auspicious one, even though it was followed by a personnel shift, as Smart was replaced by Corky Laing, West's oldest friend. The group was signed to the Windfall label and released their debut LP, Mountain Climbing!, in the spring of 1970, accompanied by their debut single, "Mississippi Queen," which reached number 21 in June of 1970. That chart placement doesn't begin to delineate the impact of that single, a hard rock boogie that was a killer showcase for West's guitar and an unlikely piece of Southern-fried rock & roll, coming from the pens of the Queens- and Brooklyn-born West and Pappalardi, and the Canadian-born Laing - it was as improbable as the California-born John Fogerty authoring "Born on the Bayou" or "Green River," and almost as enduring in popular culture. The single may not have reached the Top 20, but the album it was on peaked at number 17, driven by listeners drawn to the single but wanting more from the band behind it, and the high-energy mix of hard rock and blues they generated. And the debut album offered some surprises, such as the quartet's successful digression into progressive rock with "Theme from an Imaginary Western" (co-authored by Cream's Jack Bruce, which only further emphasized the indirect connections and musical debt owed the other band). The latter got lots of play on FM radio, as did "Never in My Life." Equally important to the band's fortunes, they were able to deliver on-stage what they promised on their records - indeed, their records were a surprisingly accurate representation of their actual sound, except that Mountain was even louder live than they were in the studio. The group scored another hit at the Atlanta International Pop Festival in 1970, alongside the Allman Brothers, Cactus. and others. Mountain's second album, Nantucket Sleighride, was equally successful commercially and unveiled the title track, which would take on epic proportions in concert. Flowers of Evil followed in November of 1971, just ten months after its predecessor, and it began to clearly show the strain of the pace the band had been keeping up since July of 1969 - half of it consisted of lackluster studio originals, while the other half was a live medley and a concert version of "Mississippi Queen." Lackluster sales and reviews were inevitable, and the impression of a band running on empty was reinforced by their next release, Mountain Live (The Road Goes Ever On) (1972), which had only four cuts on it, all of them characterized by extended solos. Hardcore fans appreciated the record as an extension of their recordings, but many listeners and most critics found it lacking musical cohesion. The group broke up soon after the release of that album, due in part to Pappalardi's concerns about his hearing, which been damaged by the high volume the band generated in concert. He returned to production, while West and Laing - staying close to their hard rock roots, as well as the orbit whence Pappalardi had come - teamed up with ex-Cream bassist Jack Bruce as West, Bruce & Laing, a hard rock power trio that cut a brief but memorable swathe of their own across the musical landscape in the early/mid-'70s. Meanwhile, a Best of Mountain LP released in the wake of the breakup helped to sustain interest in the group. And later in 1973, Mountain was back together, West and Pappalardi reactivating the band with Bob Mann on keyboards and guitar and Allan Schwartzberg on drums for a tour of Japan. This resulted in the live double LP Twin Peaks (1974), a much better representation of the group's concert sound, including a 32-minute version of "Nantucket Sleighride." During 1974, in the wake of the second live album, West, Laing, and Pappalardi revived Mountain again to record a studio LP, Avalanche. In subsequent years, West and Laing revived the group for live shows, sometimes joined by Pappalardi; West also performed with his own Leslie West Band. Sadly, Pappalardi was shot and killed by his wife in 1983. Two years later, West and Laing regrouped with Mark Clarke on bass and recorded an album before once again calling it quits. Laing served as PolyGram's A&R vice president in Canada between 1989 and 1995. In 1996, he reunited with West and Clarke for a new Mountain album, Man's World. West and Laing teamed up again in 2002 for another album as Mountain, Mystic Fire.

Rip by ALLexxess

Mountain: Original Album Classics ● 5CD Box Set Columbia Records 2010

1970 Climbing!
Original Released: Windfall US 86577 / Review by Matthew Greenwald
Mountain was the combined forces of Leslie West, a gigantic guitarist/vocalist who had played with New York garage-psych rockers the Vagrants, and Felix Pappalardi. Pappalardi had a slightly more impressive track record, coming from the modern East Coast folk-rock movement (the Youngbloods), before he applied his production skills to Cream. Through this, Felix never really stopped playing and eventually formed Mountain. Often billed as a junior-league version of Cream, Climbing!, Mountain's debut, had a lot of things going for it as well. Indeed, West was a changed man from the moment he saw Clapton play, and Pappalardi was able to help him achieve the exact same tone Clapton employed on Disraeli Gears. The hit off Climbing!, "Mississippi Queen" is a boogie classic, and it paved the way for countless imitators such as J. Geils Band, Foghat, and others. There are a lot of other great tracks here, such as "Never in My Life," which was an FM radio staple at the time.
201MB (1 Part) + 112MB (1 Part)

01 Mississipi Queen
02 Theme From An Imaginary Western
03 Never In My Life
04 Silver Paper
05 For Yasgur's Farm
06 To My Friend
07 Laird, The
08 Sittin' On A Rainbow
09 Boys In The Band
Bonus Track
10 For Yasgur's Farm (Live)

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Mountain: Original Album Classics ● 5CD Box Set Columbia Records 2010

1971 Nantucket Sleighride
Original Released: Windfall / Sundazed US 5268 / Review by by James Chrispell
Following the success of Climbing! and appearances at Woodstock and other outdoor festivals of the day, Mountain recorded more of the same for Nantucket Sleighride. The title track is a nice mixture of classical-leaning intertwined with moderate rock; both "Don't Look Around" and "The Animal Trainer and the Toad" continue on the hard rock path so well-worn by this band. Not groundbreaking, but it is well worth listening to.
201MB (1 Part) + 122MB (1 Part)

01 Don't Look Around
02 Taunta (Sammy's Tune)
03 Nantucket Sleighride (To Owen Coffin)
04 You Can't Get Away
05 Tired Angels (To J.M.H.)
06 The Animal Trainer And The Toad
07 My Lady
08 Travellin' In The Dark
09 The Great Train Robbery
Bonus Track
10 Travellin' In The Dark (Live)

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Mountain: Original Album Classics ● 5CD Box Set Columbia Records 2010

1971 Flowers Of Evil
Original Released: Windfall US WINDFALL 5501 / Review by William Ruhlmann
Counting Leslie West's July 1969 solo album, Flowers of Evil was the fourth album in 28 months for West and Felix Pappalardi's Mountain, and the pace was catching up with them: Flowers of Evil was only half of a studio album with five new songs, its second side filled up with a live 25-minute rock & roll medley and encore of Mountain's sole Top 40 hit, "Mississippi Queen." This was unmistakable evidence that Mountain had run their course. There would be live albums, compilations, and reunions over the succeeding years, but Flowers of Evil marked the creative end of a surprisingly short-lived enterprise.
201MB (1 Part) + 120MB (1 Part)

01 Flowers Of Evil
02 King's Chorale
03 One Last Cold Kiss
04 Crossroader
05 Pride And Passion
06 Dream Sequence
Guitar Solo
Roll Over Beethoven
Dreams Of Milk And Honey
Sweet Theme

07 Mississippi Queen

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Mountain: Original Album Classics ● 5CD Box Set Columbia Records 2010

1974 Twin Peaks
Original Released: Columbia US PG32818 (Double LP) / Review by James Chrispell & Bruce Eder
Now this is more like it! Recorded in Osaka, Japan, in 1973, Twin Peaks was Mountain's second consecutive live album (with The Best of Mountain compilation between them), albeit featuring the re-formed, somewhat reconfigured version of the group, consisting of Leslie West (guitar, vocals), Felix Pappalardi (bass, vocals), Bob Mann (guitar, keyboards), and Allan Schwartzberg (drums). It overlaps with its predecessor, Mountain Live (The Road Goes Ever On) on only two cuts, "Crossroader" and "Nantucket Sleighride," and the latter is stretched out even further here than it was on the earlier album, to 32 minutes. The content ends up showing off the best and the worst attributes of Mountain - the best being such staples as "Theme from an Imaginary Western," "Mississippi Queen," "Never in My Life," and "Roll Over Beethoven," while the worst is "Nantucket Sleighride." But even the latter, at over half-an-hour, was precisely what audiences of the period were paying to see and hear, and captures the band's music in all of its excessive glory. Additionally, "Nantucket Sleighride" doesn't seem that long in the actual listening, mostly because it's difficult not to be impressed with the playing, especially the guitar dialogue between West and Mann. A worthy document of a Mountain concert at their summit, this album has appeared on CD from both Columbia Records and Repertoire. The latter version, remastered in 2006, offers superior sound and packaging.
201MB (2 Part) + 129MB (1 Part)

01 Never In My Life (Live)
02 Theme For An Imaginary Western (Live)
03 Blood Of The Sun (Live)
04 Guitar Solo (Live)
05 Nantucket Sleighride (To Owen Coffin) (Live)
06 Crossroader (Live)
07 Mississippi Queen (Live)
08 Silver Paper (Live)
09 Roll Over Beethoven (Live)

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Mountain: Original Album Classics ● 5CD Box Set Columbia Records 2010

1974 Avalanche
Original Released: Columbia US KC 33088 / Review by James Chrispell
Coming on the heels of their live Twin Peaks, this release features more of a guitar-oriented sound than previous efforts. Highlights include their cover of Jerry Lee Lewis' "Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On" and "You Better Believe It," the latter sounding like a return to the Climbing days. The rest, however, sounds like it could have been left buried under the Avalanche. Everything was downhill after this.
201MB (1 Part) + 117MB (1 Part)

01 Whole Lotta Shakin' Going' On
02 Sister Justice
03 Alisan
04 Swamp Boy
05 Satisfaction
06 Thumbsucker
07 You Better Believe It
08 I Love To See You Fly
09 Back Where I Belong
10 Last Of The Sunshine Days

EAC log - AccurateRip

audiochecker / auCDtect

Spectrum / Matrix

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Теги: Mountain

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31 июля 2011 08:57
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Слышал одну песню в исполнении Оззи и много хороших отзывов. Спасибо! smile


13 июля 2011 11:52
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Отличная банда, оч. понравилась! А я, к стыду своему, про них ничего и не знал. Спасибо, что просветили "темноту".

12 июля 2011 11:30
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thanx man

12 июля 2011 09:12
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I'm really grateful!!!
Great band!!!!

10 июля 2011 13:15
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Огромное спасибо

9 июля 2011 16:22
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Огромное спасибо за Mountain! Да еще в таком издании! goodgood drinks

9 июля 2011 13:42
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