Lossless Galaxy Release
Marc Bolan & T. Rex ● 5CD Set Edsel Records

Marc Bolan & T. Rex
Marc Bolan & T. Rex
(5CD Set Edsel Records)
1973 Tanx ۞ 1974 Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow
1974 Bolan's Zip Gun ۞ 1976 Futuristic Dragon ۞ 1977 Dandy In The Underworld
Edsel Records Classics
This compilation © 2010 Demon Music Group Ltd.
Marketed by Edsel
Manufactured in the EU
Catalog Box: EDSF6002
Catalog CDs:
EDSF6002 Disc One / EDSF6002 Disc Two
EDSF6002 Disc Three / EDSF6002 Disc Four / EDSF6002 Disc Five
Issued under licence from Spirit Services Holdings s.a.r.l.
Жанр: Rock / Psychedelic Rock / Glam Rock / Classic Rock
Год: 2010
Формат: FLAC / Level 8 (img + *cue + log, AccurateRip)
Качество / Quality: lossless
Covers: format PNG 600dpi, full scans
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Каждый CD можно скачать отдельно
Each CD can be downloaded separately
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Залито на: FileSonic + Hotfile + Fileserve (3% восстановление)
Диски упакованы в картонные конверты и вложены в коробку. Оформление картонных конвертов соотвествует оригинальному оформлению виниловых пластинок.
This slipcased 5 CD set features five original albums in CD-sized cardboard replicas of the original album covers. 
Initially a British folk-rock combo called Tyrannosaurus Rex, T. Rex was the primary force in glam rock, thanks to the creative direction of guitarist/vocalist Marc Bolan (born Mark Feld). T. Rex's music borrowed the underlying sexuality of early rock & roll, adding dirty, simple grooves and fat distorted guitars, as well as an overarching folky/hippie spirituality that always came through the clearest on ballads. While most of his peers concentrated on making cohesive albums, Bolan kept the idea of a three-minute pop single alive in the early '70s. In Britain, he became a superstar, sparking a period of "T. Rextacy" among the pop audience with a series of Top Ten hits, including four number one singles. Over in America, the group only had one major hit -- the Top Ten "Bang a Gong (Get It On), disappearing from the charts in 1973. T. Rex's popularity in the U.K. didn't begin to waver until 1975, yet they retained a devoted following until Marc Bolan's death in 1977. Over the next two decades, Bolan emerged as a cult figure and the music of T. Rex has proven quite influential on hard rock, punk, new wave, and alternative rock. Following a career as a teenage model, Marc Bolan began performing music professionally in 1965, releasing his first single, "The Wizard," on Decca Records. Bolan joined the psychedelic proto-punk-rock combo John's Children in 1967, appearing on three unsuccessful singles before the group disbanded later that year. Following the breakup, he formed the folk duo Tyrannosaurus Rex with percussionist Steve Peregrin Took (Stephen Porter). The duo landed a record deal with a subsidiary of EMI in February 1968, recording their debut album with producer Tony Visconti. "Debora," the group's first single, peaked at number 34 in May of that year, and their debut album, "My People Were Fair and Had Sky in Their Hair...But Now They're Content to Wear Stars on Their Brow", reached number 15 shortly afterward. The duo released their second album, "Prophets, Seers & Sages, the Angels of the Ages", in November of 1968. By this time, Tyrannosaurus Rex was building a sizable underground following, which helped Bolan's book of poetry, The Warlock of Love, enter the British best-seller charts. In the summer of 1969, the duo released their third album, Unicorn, as well as the single "King of the Rumbling Spires," the first Tyrannosaurus Rex song to feature an electric guitar. Following an unsuccessful American tour that fall, Took left the band and was replaced by Mickey Finn (3). The new duo's first single did not chart, yet their first album, 1970's A Beard of Stars, reached number 21. The turning point in Bolan's career came in October of 1970, when he shortened the group's name to T. Rex and released "Ride a White Swan," a fuzz-drenched single driven by a rolling backbeat. "Ride a White Swan" became a major hit in the U.K., climbing all the way to number two. The band's next album, T. Rex, peaked at number 13 and stayed on the charts for six months. Encouraged by the results, Bolan expanded T. Rex to a full band, adding bassist Steve Currie and drummer Bill Legend (born Bill Fifield). The new lineup recorded "Hot Love," which spent six weeks at number one in early 1971. That summer, T. Rex released "Get It On" (retitled "Bang a Gong (Get It On)" in the U.S.), which became their second straight U.K. number one; the single would go on to be their biggest international hit, reaching number ten in the U.S. in 1972. Electric Warrior, the first album recorded by the full band, was released in the fall of 1971; it was number one for six weeks in Britain and cracked America's Top 40. By now, "T. Rextacy" was in full swing in England, as the band had captured the imaginations of both teenagers and the media with its sequined, heavily made-up appearance; the image of Marc Bolan with a feather boa, and platform shoes, performing "Get It On" on the BBC became as famous as his music. At the beginning of 1972, T. Rex signed with EMI, setting up a distribution deal for Bolan's own T.Rex Wax Co. record label. "Telegram Sam," the group's first EMI single, became their third number one single. "Metal Guru" also hit number one, spending four weeks at the top of the chart. The Slider, released in the summer of 1972, shot to number one upon its release, allegedly selling 100,000 copies in four days; the album was also T. Rex's most successful American release, reaching number 17. Appearing in the spring of 1973, Tanx was another Top Five hit for T. Rex; the singles "20th Century Boy" and "The Groover" soon followed it to the upper ranks of the charts. However, those singles would prove to be the band's last two Top Ten hits. In the summer of 1973, rhythm guitarist Jack Green joined the band, as did three backup vocalists, Stephanie Spruill, Pat Hall, and the American soul singer Gloria Jones; Jones would soon become Bolan's girlfriend. At the beginning of 1974, drummer Bill Legend left the group and was replaced by David Lutton, as Jones became the group's keyboardist. In early 1974, the single "Teenage Dream" was the first record to be released under the name Marc Bolan and T. Rex. The following album, Zinc Alloy and the Hidden Riders of Tomorrow, was the last Bolan recording with Tony Visconti. Throughout the year, T. Rex's popularity rapidly declined -- by the time "Zip Gun Boogie" was released in November, it could only reach number 41. Finn and Green left the group at the end of the year, while keyboardist Dino Dines joined. The decline of T. Rex's popularity was confirmed when 1975's Bolan's Zip Gun failed to chart. Bolan took the rest of the year off, returning in the spring of 1976 with Futuristic Dragon, which peaked at number 50. Released in the summer of 1976, "I Love to Boogie," a disco-flavored three-chord thumper, became Bolan's last Top 20 hit. Bolan released Dandy in the Underworld in the spring of 1977; it was a modest hit, peaking at number 26. While "The Soul of My Suit" reached number 42 on the charts, T. Rex's next two singles failed to chart. Sensing it was time for a change of direction, Bolan began expanding his horizons in August 1977. In addition to contributing a weekly column for Record Mirror, he hosted his own variety television show, MARC. Featuring guest appearances by artists like David Bowie and Generation X, MARC helped restore Bolan's hip image. Signing with RCA Records, the guitarist formed a new band with bassist Herbie Flowers and drummer Tony Newman, yet he never was able to record with the group. While driving home from a London club with Bolan, Gloria Jones lost control of her car, smashing into a tree. Marc Bolan, riding in the passenger's seat of the car, was killed instantly. While T. Rex's music was intended to be disposable, it has proven surprisingly influential over the years. Hard rock and heavy metal bands borrowed the group's image, as well as the pounding insistence of their guitars. Punk bands may have discarded the high heels, feather boas, and top hats, yet they adhered to the simple three-chord structures and pop aesthetics that made the band popular.
Основатель и лидер «T. Rex» Марк Болан начал профессионально заниматься музыкой еще в 1965 году, выпустив свой первый сингл «The Wizard». Затем он присоединился к психоделическому фолк-роковому проекту «John’s Children», просуществовавшему недолгое время. После распада этой группы Болан организовал дуэт «Tyrannosaurus Rex» в компании с перкуссионистом Стивом Перегрином Туком. Заключив контракт с «EMI», парни приступили к записи дебютного альбома «My People Were Fair And Had Sky In Their Hair But Now They’re Content To Wear Stars On Their Brows». Неожиданный успех этой пластинки, а также сопуствующего сингла «Debora» заставил музыкантов работать интенсивнее и к осени 1968 года уже был готов второй альбом «Prophets, Seers, And Sages, The Angels Of The Ages». Этот релиз также как и первый был чисто акустическим, однако уже на третьем диске группы появилась электрогитара. После неудачного американского турне Тука сменил Микки Финн. В начале 1970 года обновленная команда выпустила «A Beard Of Stars», поднявшуюся на 21-е место в британских хит-парадах. Последний трек с гитарой в духе Хендрикса давал почуствовать зарождение нового саунда группы. В конце 1970 года группа окончательно переключилась на электрогитары и сократила свое название до «T. Rex». Дуэт выпустил сингл «Ride A White Swan», занявший второе место в английских чартах. Вскоре состав команды был расширен до четырех человек, в «T. Rex» появились басист Стив Карри и ударник Билл Легенд (Билл Фифилд). Обновленный коллектив выпустил сингл «Hot Love», на шесть недель возглавивший британские хит-парады. Летом 1971 года группа повторила успех с «Get It On», вошедшей также в американский Топ 10 и ставшей международным хитом. С выходом «Electric Warrior» началась повальная «тирексомания». Ажиотаж подогревался сценическим имиджем Болана, появлявшемся на концертах в боа, высокой шляпе и туфлях на толстенной платформе. В 1972 году Марк основал свой собственный лейбл «T. Rex Wax Co». Первым релизом, выпущенным этим лейблом стал сингл «Telegram Sam», снова занявший первую строчку чартов. В марте «T. Rex» далвали концерты перед многотысячной толпой фанов, собравшихся на лондонском стадионе Уэмбли. Впоследствии видеозаписи с этих шоу вошли в фильм Ринго Старра «Born To Boogie». Альбом «Slider» вышедший летом 1972 года сразу же ворвался на вершину английских хит-парадов, а за четыре первых дня было продано 100000 экземпляров этой пластинки. Диск 1973 года «Tanx» имел несколько непривычный для «T. Rex» саунд, по словам Болана это был госпел-альбом. Пластинка неплохо продавалась, но имела меньший успех чем ее предшественники. Летом 1973-го в группе появился новый гитарист Джек Грин, а также три бэк-вокалистки, одна из которых, Глория Джонс стала подружкой Болана. В начале 1974 года из команды свалил Билл Легенд, а его место за ударными занял Дэйви Лютон. Глория Джонс взялась за клавишные. Альбом «Zinc Alloy and the Hidden Riders of Tomorrow» стал последней записью «T. Rex» с продюсером Тони Висконти, поскольку того не устраивало новое музыкальное направление группы. На следующий год популярность команды стала резко падать. Коллектив покинули Финн и Грин, а в составе появился клавишник Дино Динс. Скрываясь от английских налогов Болан в 1975 году перебрался в Америку, где увлекся алкоголем и наркотиками. Однако с рождением сына он переборол дурные привычки и верулся к деятельности. Альбом 1976 года «Futuristic Dragon» смог подняться лишь до 50 места в чартах. Спустя некоторое время команду покинул Стив Карри. Диск «Dandy in the Underworld» имел больший успех, чем его предшественник и популярность «T. Rex» снова начала набирать обороты. К тому времени состав группы практически полностью поменялся: кроме Болана в него входили басист Херби Флауэрс и ударник Тони Ньюмен. Однако, дальнейшим планам Марка не суждено было сбыться - 16 сентября 1977 года автомобиль, которым управляла его жена врезался в дерево, в результате чего Болан, находившийся на пассажирском сиденье, погиб. Rip by ALLexxess
♪ Marc Bolan: guitar, lead vocals (Aug 1967 - Sep 1977)
♪ Steve Peregrine Took: percussion (Aug 1967 - Oct 1969)
♪ Mickey Finn: percussion (Oct 1969- Dec 1974)
♪ Steve Currie: bass (Dec 1970 - Aug 1976)
♪ Bill Legend: drums (Dec 1970 - Nov 1973)
♪ Jack Green: guitar (Jul 1973 - Nov 1973)
♪ Gloria Jones: keyboards, vocals (Jul 1973 - Aug 1976)
♪ Davy Lutton: drums (Nov 1973 - Aug 1976)
♪ Dino Dines: keyboards (Nov 1973 - Sep 1977)
♪ Miller Anderson: guitar (Aug 1976 - Sep 1977)
♪ Herbie Flowers: bass (Aug 1976 - Sep 1977)
♪ Tony Newman: drums (Aug 1976 - Sep 1977)
T. Rex ● Disc One 1973 Tanx is the eighth album by British rock band T. Rex, released in 1973.[1] Tanx was a hit in UK and Europe but it failed to emulate the success of The Slider in the U.S., reaching only #102 in the album charts. It was critically derided by journalists[citation needed] who said the darker, adult sound was a complete departure from the unique melodic rock and roll that made the band famous. It predates punk in some ways, with largely darker and more aggressive songs, and shorter songs than the previous two T. Rex albums ("Electric Warrior" and "The Slider") with 9 of the songs less than three minutes long (by comparison, "Get It On" was 4:24), akin to Bolan's previous albums under the name Tyrannosaurus Rex and the debut album under the abbreviated "T. Rex" name (all of which had no more than 2 songs over three minutes per album). "Tanx" is also the first album notably to incorporate elements of soul music, further explored in the following album, "Zinc Alloy and the Hidden Riders of Tomorrow", and other subsequent T. Rex albums. Likewise, it's the beginning of Bolan's marked departure from the glam rock style which he originated and helped popularize, preceding contemporary David Bowie's departure from glam and move towards soul music with his album, "Young Americans", by nearly 2 years. The song "Born to Boogie" was actually not featured in the 1972 Ringo Starr produced film, also called Born to Boogie. Curiously, the popular single "20th Century Boy" was not included on the album.201MB (1 Part) + 130MB (1 Part)01 Tenement Lady
02 Rapids
03 Mister Mister
04 Broken-Hearted Blues
05 Shock Rock
06 Country Honey
07 Electric Slim And The Factory Hen
08 Mad Donna
09 Born To Boogie
10 Life Is Strange
11 The Street And Babe Shadow
12 Highway Knees
13 Left Hand Luke And The Beggar Boys
EAC log - AccurateRipExact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 19. March 2011, 0:34
T. Rex / Tanx
Used drive : HL-DT-STDVDRAM GSA-H60N Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 667
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 2:55.16 | 0 | 13140
2 | 2:55.16 | 2:49.29 | 13141 | 25844
3 | 5:44.45 | 3:30.38 | 25845 | 41632
4 | 9:15.08 | 2:03.02 | 41633 | 50859
5 | 11:18.10 | 1:43.61 | 50860 | 58645
6 | 13:01.71 | 1:47.44 | 58646 | 66714
7 | 14:49.40 | 3:06.44 | 66715 | 80708
8 | 17:56.09 | 2:15.71 | 80709 | 90904
9 | 20:12.05 | 2:04.20 | 90905 | 100224
10 | 22:16.25 | 2:30.42 | 100225 | 111516
11 | 24:46.67 | 2:17.70 | 111517 | 121861
12 | 27:04.62 | 2:34.38 | 121862 | 133449
13 | 29:39.25 | 5:17.11 | 133450 | 157235
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\2010 Marc Bolan & T. Rex (5CD Set Edsel Records)\1973 Tanx\T. Rex - Tanx.wav
Peak level 98.7 %
Extraction speed 0.8 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 443AC278
Copy CRC 443AC278
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [4EC835B0]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [C032D5B2]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [94D55B20]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [D2D4728C]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [55881D9E]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [8AE28015]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [D8E7C366]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [BDFDCAFF]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [ED8E381F]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [7B6B7C2A]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [76BC5687]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [0C3B7982]
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [ED5031CA]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum F8876BD02EE9A66BDEC9DBF55F3C815399B8579BD5ABD4855F91E94E9AEDB23A ====
audiochecker / auCDtectAUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - opdester@freemail.hu
Начато: суббота, 19. 03. 2011. - 0:38.53
Найдено файлов: 2
1 -===- C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\2010 Marc Bolan & T. Rex (5CD Set Edsel Records)\1973 Tanx\T. Rex - Tanx.wav
Заключение: этот трек - CDDA с вероятностью 100%
2 -===- C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\2010 Marc Bolan & T. Rex (5CD Set Edsel Records)\1973 Tanx\T. Rex - Tanx.flac
Извлечение успешно выполнено
Заключение: этот трек - CDDA с вероятностью 100%
Временный файл удалён.
Завершено: суббота, 19. 03. 2011. - 0:46.04 (Время операции: 0:07.11)
PERFORMER: auCDtect Task Manager, ver. 1.5.1RC3 build
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 y-soft. All rights reserved
ANALYZER: auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.
FILE: T. Rex - Tanx.flac
Size: 243746084 Hash: 8B5B93D6D67633423389D2F880A5823A Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
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FILE: T. Rex - Tanx.wav
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Spectrum / MatrixFileSonic1973 Tanx-11973 Tanx-2Hotfile1973 Tanx-11973 Tanx-2Fileserve1973 Tanx-11973 Tanx-2
Marc Bolan & T. Rex ● Disc Two 1974 Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow Zinc Alloy and the Hidden Riders of Tomorrow - A Creamed Cage in August is a studio album released by Marc Bolan & T.Rex in February 1974. At the time, Marc Bolan's success in the UK was beginning to slip, as a result of two factors: his constant desire to "crack" the US market (which resulted in a lessened effort on the UK charts), and his desire to expand T.Rex's sound. This can be seen on 1973's Tanx, which included new guitar effects, chord changes, string arrangements and other studio "tricks" Bolan had not employed before. He had been listening to a sizable amount of US soul and R&B, no doubt influenced by his new affair with a backup singer and clavinet player he had hired for his 1973 US tour - Gloria Jones. These new sounds, in retrospect, were a year and a half before David Bowie's pioneering "Young Americans" album, often credited with making the most successful transition from UK glam rock (which was losing popularity) to radio-friendly, soul-influenced pop/rock. However, as successful as Bolan was in combining his new influences with his old, the boogie/rockabilly sound at the core of the classic T.Rex sound can still be heard in the guitar work and the harmonies,in particular on the track "Nameless Wildness". The songs reflect a darker mood than on Bolan's earlier releases, with lead track "Venus Loon" having quite grotesque subject matter. This was surely refective of Bolan's inner uncertainty about his status in the rock world now that he was no longer a teen idol. Other songs such as "Galaxy" and "Change" contain similar forebodings and dark imagery. The music, too, is ambitious and complex, containing some of Marc's most inventive extended guitar solos. The album divided fans and critics into the two camps that would remain with him until his death - those that derided him as a washed-up teen idol, and those who believed he would eventually make a resurgence in popularity. At that moment, however, Zinc Alloy marked a downturn in his fortunes - the contemporaneous album single, "Teenage Dream", made it only to #13 in the UK charts. While that would be a success for most groups, Bolan had spent all of 1971-1973 enjoying constant Top Ten and Top Five UK hits, including four #1's. T.Rex would not enjoy another Top 20 UK hit until "New York City", in the summer of 1975.201MB (1 Part) + 166MB (1 Part)01 Venus Loon
02 Sound Pit
03 Explosive Mouth
04 Galaxy
05 Change
06 Nameless Wildness
07 Teenage Dream
08 Liquid Gang
09 Carsmile Smith And The Old One
10 You've Got To Jive To Stay Alive - Spanish Midnight
11 Interstellar Soul
12 Painless Persuasion v. The Meathawk Immaculate
13 The Avengers (Superbad)
14 The Leopards Featuring Gardenia
15 And The Mighty Slug
EAC log - AccurateRipExact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 19. March 2011, 1:12
Marc Bolan & T. Rex / Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow
Used drive : HL-DT-STDVDRAM GSA-H60N Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 667
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:03.32 | 0 | 13756
2 | 3:03.32 | 2:51.37 | 13757 | 26618
3 | 5:54.69 | 2:28.25 | 26619 | 37743
4 | 8:23.19 | 1:50.25 | 37744 | 46018
5 | 10:13.44 | 2:47.70 | 46019 | 58613
6 | 13:01.39 | 3:07.61 | 58614 | 72699
7 | 16:09.25 | 5:50.21 | 72700 | 98970
8 | 21:59.46 | 3:18.29 | 98971 | 113849
9 | 25:18.00 | 3:16.08 | 113850 | 128557
10 | 28:34.08 | 2:35.17 | 128558 | 140199
11 | 31:09.25 | 3:28.59 | 140200 | 155858
12 | 34:38.09 | 3:29.51 | 155859 | 171584
13 | 38:07.60 | 4:32.35 | 171585 | 192019
14 | 42:40.20 | 3:38.56 | 192020 | 208425
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\2010 Marc Bolan & T. Rex (5CD Set Edsel Records)\1974 Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow\Marc Bolan & T. Rex - Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of
Peak level 98.7 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 5D452BD1
Copy CRC 5D452BD1
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [EA570AE8]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [46DD7B54]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [26B9C1B4]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [BFD07FFE]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [F317AF61]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [2A8FD15E]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [98A0EBD1]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [FD676D9F]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [6FA7607C]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [481D7D37]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [198BD201]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [C0917D2D]
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [F086EC3E]
Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [7268E28F]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 501FEDEDC41D051FA3645D652F43DBC5C1C747B668C78FB6459E1927C57FAAEB ====
audiochecker / auCDtectAUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - opdester@freemail.hu
Начато: суббота, 19. 03. 2011. - 1:18.02
Найдено файлов: 2
1 -===- C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\2010 Marc Bolan & T. Rex (5CD Set Edsel Records)\1974 Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow\Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow.wav
Заключение: этот трек - CDDA с вероятностью 100%
2 -===- C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\2010 Marc Bolan & T. Rex (5CD Set Edsel Records)\1974 Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow\Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow.flac
Извлечение успешно выполнено
Заключение: этот трек - CDDA с вероятностью 100%
Временный файл удалён.
Завершено: суббота, 19. 03. 2011. - 1:28.33 (Время операции: 0:10.31)
PERFORMER: auCDtect Task Manager, ver. 1.5.1RC3 build
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 y-soft. All rights reserved
ANALYZER: auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.
FILE: Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow.flac
Size: 323081807 Hash: C49D3EE33C94041A6207F122C5E2EADA Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: BD2846F916AA748101624E98D89F0762CA29956B
FILE: Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow.wav
Size: 490217996 Hash: C49D3EE33C94041A6207F122C5E2EADA Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: B942D8B5AF72CF9B5289263AE3484DA65BD96920
Spectrum / MatrixFileSonic1974 Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow-11974 Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow-2Hotfile1974 Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow-11974 Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow-2Fileserve1974 Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow-11974 Zinc Alloy And The Hidden Riders Of Tomorrow-2
Marc Bolan And T-Rex ● Disc Three 1974 Bolan's Zip Gun Bolan's Zip Gun is a 1975 album by T. Rex. It did not chart in the United Kingdom, and Marc Bolan would not chart again successfully until 1976's Futuristic Dragon. The album was produced by Bolan, having dispensed with the services of previous producer Tony Visconti. The album contains two contemporary single releases: "Light Of Love" (UK Chart position #22) and "Zip Gun Boogie", T.Rex's least successful release. Although the sound of the album was very stark and the lyrics very simple and direct, Bolan had tried to go beyond the rock format of the previous T.Rex sound and reflect his recent immersion in the US soul scene. His new partner Gloria Jones and other recent American friends, such as Gloria's brother Richard and backing singer Pat Hall, had helped influence Bolan's music, and he was experimenting with soul inflections all through this period at MRI Studios in Hollywood where the album was recorded. Several of the songs had a very futuristic tone, especially "Space Boss", "Think Zinc" and "Golden Belt", Bolan being a great fan of science fiction. The band on this album also featured a twin-drum sound on some tracks, notably "Solid Baby", provided by Davy Lutton and Paul Fenton. Experimentation in sound was very much the order of the day on this album.271MB01 Light Of Love
02 Solid Baby
03 Precious Star
04 Token Of My Love
05 Space Boss
06 Think Zinc
07 Till Dawn
08 Girl In The Thunderbolt Suit
09 I Really Love You Babe
10 Golden Belt
11 Zip Gun Boogie
EAC log - AccurateRipExact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 19. March 2011, 10:23
Marc Bolan And T-Rex / Bolan's Zip Gun
Used drive : HL-DT-STDVDRAM GSA-H60N Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 667
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:16.54 | 0 | 14753
2 | 3:16.54 | 2:37.41 | 14754 | 26569
3 | 5:54.20 | 2:53.02 | 26570 | 39546
4 | 8:47.22 | 3:40.15 | 39547 | 56061
5 | 12:27.37 | 2:49.49 | 56062 | 68785
6 | 15:17.11 | 3:25.44 | 68786 | 84204
7 | 18:42.55 | 3:02.24 | 84205 | 97878
8 | 21:45.04 | 2:20.73 | 97879 | 108451
9 | 24:06.02 | 3:33.62 | 108452 | 124488
10 | 27:39.64 | 2:41.33 | 124489 | 136596
11 | 30:21.22 | 3:21.42 | 136597 | 151713
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\2010 Marc Bolan & T. Rex (5CD Set Edsel Records)\1974 Bolan's Zip Gun\Marc Bolan And T-Rex - Bolan's Zip Gun.wav
Peak level 98.7 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 80171583
Copy CRC 80171583
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [BCD7F1C5]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [F43E9735]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [2EAD7A19]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [DE88FB40]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [712A9013]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [71D828FF]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [CF7080A0]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [714E276A]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [2781FB8E]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [8D4EF605]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [82B3718F]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum D48608566E98DD409331F2B7D00AEFD2CD522112B1E00D77A1240DF6CFCD25E2 ====
audiochecker / auCDtectAUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - opdester@freemail.hu
Начато: суббота, 19. 03. 2011. - 10:36.41
Найдено файлов: 2
1 -===- C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\2010 Marc Bolan & T. Rex (5CD Set Edsel Records)\1974 Bolan's Zip Gun\Marc Bolan And T-Rex - Bolan's Zip Gun.wav
Заключение: этот трек - CDDA с вероятностью 100%
2 -===- C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\2010 Marc Bolan & T. Rex (5CD Set Edsel Records)\1974 Bolan's Zip Gun\Marc Bolan And T-Rex - Bolan's Zip Gun.flac
Извлечение успешно выполнено
Заключение: этот трек - CDDA с вероятностью 100%
Временный файл удалён.
Завершено: суббота, 19. 03. 2011. - 10:51.18 (Время операции: 0:14.37)
PERFORMER: auCDtect Task Manager, ver. 1.5.1RC3 build
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 y-soft. All rights reserved
ANALYZER: auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.
FILE: Marc Bolan And T-Rex - Bolan's Zip Gun.flac
Size: 233324552 Hash: 32E467DA02D044FA65BB3CCAE3F04918 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: C0240D03DEE9F92BFD73A0D6F390072CF5129DBF
FILE: Marc Bolan And T-Rex - Bolan's Zip Gun.wav
Size: 356831372 Hash: 32E467DA02D044FA65BB3CCAE3F04918 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: B15331FDD9001C637C64EC14A41078061309B69C
Spectrum / MatrixFileSonic1974 Bolan's Zip GunHotfile1974 Bolan's Zip GunFileserve1974 Bolan's Zip Gun
T. Rex ● Disc Four 1976 Futuristic Dragon Futuristic Dragon is a 1976 album by T.Rex. Preceded by two UK Top 40 hits, "New York City" (#15) and "Dreamy Lady" (#30), Futuristic Dragon was released in January, reaching #50. It was T. Rex's first album to register in the charts since Zinc Alloy and the Hidden Riders of Tomorrow in 1974. The album features some unusually dense production from Bolan, with hints that he had been listening to old Phil Spector records, especially Chrome Sitar and Calling All Destroyers, which contained unusual musical embellishements such as sitar & other sonic sound effects. The album also contained a handful of songs which could have been singles, such as 'Jupiter Liar' and 'Sensation Boulevard'. Live recordings of the successful tour T.Rex undertook that year in the UK (the first since the birth of his son Rolan Bolan, with Gloria Jones) show him to be returning to form from the cocaine addiction, (alleged) Napoleon complex, and weight gain which had plagued him since late 1973, when his star began to fall. In many of these (bootleg) recordings, often done by members of the audience, Bolan thanks the audience for coming, and admits that he did not know if they would. He was heartened by the response received on the two aforementioned hit singles, and set to work on a new album immediately. One factor which also sparked Bolan's renewed interest in music was the emergence of punk. Photos from early 1977 show Bolan at a pub/restaurant with members of The Ramones. He toured in spring 1977 with The Damned, and on the Granada TV show "Marc", which he hosted, guests of his included The Boomtown Rats, The Jam, and Generation X. The album is also notable for the sleeve illustration by artist George Underwood, who had first worked with Bolan on the 1968 Tyrannosaurus Rex album My People Were Fair and Had Sky in Their Hair... But Now They're Content to Wear Stars on Their Brows.201MB (1 Part) + 147MB (1 Part)01 Futuristic Dragon (Introduction)
02 Jupiter Liar
03 Chrome Sitar
04 All Alone
05 New York City
06 My Little Baby
07 Calling All Destroyers
08 Theme For A Dragon
09 Sensation Boulevard
10 Ride My Wheels
11 Dreamy Lady
12 Dawn Storm
13 Casual Agent
EAC log - AccurateRipExact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 19. March 2011, 11:25
T. Rex / Futuristic Dragon
Used drive : HL-DT-STDVDRAM GSA-H60N Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 667
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 1:52.48 | 0 | 8447
2 | 1:52.48 | 3:42.46 | 8448 | 25143
3 | 5:35.19 | 3:14.40 | 25144 | 39733
4 | 8:49.59 | 2:50.13 | 39734 | 52496
5 | 11:39.72 | 3:57.74 | 52497 | 70345
6 | 15:37.71 | 3:09.15 | 70346 | 84535
7 | 18:47.11 | 3:57.50 | 84536 | 102360
8 | 22:44.61 | 2:00.49 | 102361 | 111409
9 | 24:45.35 | 3:48.74 | 111410 | 128583
10 | 28:34.34 | 2:28.24 | 128584 | 139707
11 | 31:02.58 | 2:55.30 | 139708 | 152862
12 | 33:58.13 | 3:43.22 | 152863 | 169609
13 | 37:41.35 | 2:56.29 | 169610 | 182838
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\2010 Marc Bolan & T. Rex (5CD Set Edsel Records)\1976 Futuristic Dragon\T. Rex - Futuristic Dragon.wav
Peak level 98.7 %
Extraction speed 0.4 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC C76FC1A3
Copy CRC C76FC1A3
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [71307CB8]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [8687491C]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [DFF578D6]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [8C2DAA14]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [7F5D8759]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [6123EB03]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [8B48D7E8]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [52B0719D]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [7B20D176]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [05924011]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [2F80E68F]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [C20473B4]
Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [26B07CBE]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 7B9124E2586054810F170D8B003E10D425622DCAB844D82CC6037AAB5D6E656B ====
audiochecker / auCDtectAUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - opdester@freemail.hu
Начато: суббота, 19. 03. 2011. - 11:31.27
Найдено файлов: 2
1 -===- C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\2010 Marc Bolan & T. Rex (5CD Set Edsel Records)\1976 Futuristic Dragon\T. Rex - Futuristic Dragon.wav
Заключение: этот трек - CDDA с вероятностью 100%
2 -===- C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\2010 Marc Bolan & T. Rex (5CD Set Edsel Records)\1976 Futuristic Dragon\T. Rex - Futuristic Dragon.flac
Извлечение успешно выполнено
Заключение: этот трек - CDDA с вероятностью 100%
Временный файл удалён.
Завершено: суббота, 19. 03. 2011. - 11:47.43 (Время операции: 0:16.16)
PERFORMER: auCDtect Task Manager, ver. 1.5.1RC3 build
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 y-soft. All rights reserved
ANALYZER: auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.
FILE: T. Rex - Futuristic Dragon.flac
Size: 298557275 Hash: E64A826D1D8D5F20B9F43696EC81DEDC Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: A2DAA857FB5B0989F923736D49A4E4A78F824051
FILE: T. Rex - Futuristic Dragon.wav
Size: 430037372 Hash: E64A826D1D8D5F20B9F43696EC81DEDC Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 100%
Signature: C5E8FF90B7E956A768DD8716B0FAF2CFB3E80845
Spectrum / MatrixFileSonic1976 Futuristic Dragon-11976 Futuristic Dragon-2Hotfile1976 Futuristic Dragon-11976 Futuristic Dragon-2Fileserve1976 Futuristic Dragon-11976 Futuristic Dragon-2
T. Rex ● Disc Five 1977 Dandy In The Underworld Dandy in the Underworld is the thirteenth and final studio album by British rock band T.Rex. It was released on March 11, 1977, and reached a chart peak in the UK of #26. It was the band's highest-charting album since 1974's Zinc Alloy and the Hidden Riders of Tomorrow. At the time of the album's release Marc Bolan and T.Rex were on a UK tour, supported by The Damned. The album and tour were notable for marking a return to form for the band. Dandy in the Underworld gathered the most consistently positive reviews for any T.Rex album in five years. Having fallen from critical and commercial favour the band had endured some fiercely hostile press but NME, who had been amongst the most negative, noted of the album: "very listenable, well arranged immaculately played." The sessions had started in Los Angeles in August 1976 and carried on until the end of the year, in UK studios. Recording engineer Jennifer Maidman writes: "I worked on two tracks on this album, along with a number of other songs including a later single "Laser Love". The track "I Love to Boogie" was recorded and mixed in a single day at Decibel Studios in Stoke Newington, London N16. The studio was very small and funky, Marc liked it because it reminded him of the old Sun Studio in Memphis where a lot of early rock and roll records were made. The single was mastered from what was originally intended to be a rough mix which Marc took home. It was mixed in about fifteen minutes by myself and Marc, I just threw up the faders, there were no computers in those days, and we went "Ok that'll do". Mick O'Halloran, Marc's roadie was going "Hurry up, we've got to leave now", I think Marc had an appointment or something, You can hear that the guitar solo is a bit on the quiet side and the tape echo on the voice varies, it's about right by the end. We got Dino's Fender Rhodes piano to distort a bit by cranking up the input on the desk, crude but quick and effective. Try doing that on a modern digital desk! Anyway, Marc liked the mix so much that it was released just as it was, much to my surprise, but it still sounds good thirty years later. The master mix was also done at 7.5 inches per second as I recall, rather than the usual 15 ips. This was so that Marc could play it on his reel to reel at home that night. This, along with the fact that the multitrack was an Ampex two inch 16 track machine rather than the 24 track which was more common by then, helps to give the track it's beefy sound. The other song on the album we did at Decibel was "Universe", which was subsequently overdubbed and mixed at Air studios by Mike Stavrou I think. These were also the last tracks that Marc did with the old rhythm section of Steve Currie and Davy Lutton before Tony Newman and Herbie Flowers came on board." Dandy in the Underworld was launched at London's leading punk rock venue, The Roxy. Only the title track was released from the album as a single, in a remixed and re-recorded version with the 'offending' lyrics "Exalted companion of cocaine nights" being changed to "T.Rex nights". The track "Visions of Domino" was a re-recording of the previous single "Funky London Childhood". A final single, "Celebrate Summer" was released in August, ironically (as events turned out) being backed by a previous track from the Futuristic Dragon album, "Ride My Wheels". The album was praised for the strength of the songwriting and Bolan's vocal performances. The title track was released as a single but failed to chart. "I Love to Boogie" and "The Soul of My Suit" did achieve chart placings in the UK. After three commercially weak albums, Dandy in the Underworld was regarded by many T.Rex fans as a comeback for the band. However, it would prove to be the band's final album, as Marc Bolan was to die in a car crash in September 1977.201MB (1 Part) + 106MB (1 Part)01 Dandy In The Underworld
02 Crimson Moon
03 Universe
04 I'm A Fool For You Girl
05 I Love To Boogie
06 Visions Of Domino
07 Jason B. Sad
08 Groove A Little
09 The Soul Of My Suit
10 Hang-Ups
11 Pain And Love
12 Teen Riot Structure
EAC log - AccurateRipExact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 19. March 2011, 12:14
T. Rex / Dandy In The Underworld
Used drive : HL-DT-STDVDRAM GSA-H60N Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 667
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:36.07 | 0 | 20706
2 | 4:36.07 | 3:25.08 | 20707 | 36089
3 | 8:01.15 | 2:44.73 | 36090 | 48462
4 | 10:46.13 | 2:18.64 | 48463 | 58876
5 | 13:05.02 | 2:15.50 | 58877 | 69051
6 | 15:20.52 | 2:28.54 | 69052 | 80205
7 | 17:49.31 | 3:23.70 | 80206 | 95500
8 | 21:13.26 | 3:25.62 | 95501 | 110937
9 | 24:39.13 | 2:37.45 | 110938 | 122757
10 | 27:16.58 | 3:29.54 | 122758 | 138486
11 | 30:46.37 | 3:41.39 | 138487 | 155100
12 | 34:28.01 | 3:35.63 | 155101 | 171288
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\2010 Marc Bolan & T. Rex (5CD Set Edsel Records)\1977 Dandy In The Underworld\T. Rex - Dandy In The Underworld.wav
Peak level 98.7 %
Extraction speed 0.5 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 11537B2A
Copy CRC 11537B2A
Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [DC997965]
Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [4DE00E23]
Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [97275C3A]
Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [CD9B5EF8]
Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [CCAFF7D8]
Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [9BA9A215]
Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [B46EB2BA]
Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [AA45B780]
Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [7CA899E9]
Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [C7BA2BB9]
Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [016F6C60]
Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 1) [E21213C8]
All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
==== Log checksum 3F4E3D1CA2D2F84BDA4599026A4E68826D6399762AD58FB12A99A1A57365FA54 ====
audiochecker / auCDtectAUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - opdester@freemail.hu
Начато: суббота, 19. 03. 2011. - 12:22.55
Найдено файлов: 2
1 -===- C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\2010 Marc Bolan & T. Rex (5CD Set Edsel Records)\1977 Dandy In The Underworld\T. Rex - Dandy In The Underworld.wav
Заключение: этот трек - CDDA с вероятностью 99%
2 -===- C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\Lossless Galaxy Rip by ALLexxess\2010 Marc Bolan & T. Rex (5CD Set Edsel Records)\1977 Dandy In The Underworld\T. Rex - Dandy In The Underworld.flac
Извлечение успешно выполнено
Заключение: этот трек - CDDA с вероятностью 99%
Временный файл удалён.
Завершено: суббота, 19. 03. 2011. - 12:34.04 (Время операции: 0:11.08)
PERFORMER: auCDtect Task Manager, ver. 1.5.1RC3 build
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 y-soft. All rights reserved
ANALYZER: auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.
FILE: T. Rex - Dandy In The Underworld.flac
Size: 254206082 Hash: 0B4B4C92F720DD627B16256041A4B070 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 99%
Signature: 6027BD9E07241FF519ECE82CFD1C09EF5958E684
FILE: T. Rex - Dandy In The Underworld.wav
Size: 402871772 Hash: 0B4B4C92F720DD627B16256041A4B070 Accuracy: -m0
Conclusion: CDDA 99%
Signature: 6E06BAF3EF3D5E364FA55BEF6B3837515E9471E8
Spectrum / MatrixВнимание! У Вас нет прав для просмотра скрытого текста.